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它就是长方形的。It's just a rectangle.

长方形就被选中了,然后把目标移至刚建的新层上.Now the rectangle will be selected.

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到目前为止,我们所呈现的仅仅是一个静态的矩形框。So far, that's just a static rectangle.

红色长方形是货柜车。The red rectangle is a container truck.

这会令一矩形的选择。This will make a selection of the rectangle.

如果四个角均为直角,该图为矩形。It is a rectangle if the four angles square.

但是对外做了功。And that work is the area inside the rectangle.

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这是由旋转产生的,但基本上是个矩形。It is rotated, but it is basically a rectangle.

用于文本区域在屏幕上矩形的位置。Rectangle on the screen to use for the textArea.

用布做的尿布可以叠成三角形或长方形。Cloth diaper may be folded in a triangle or a rectangle.

把这两个三角形拼到一起,可以得到一个长方形。Put the two triangles together, you can get a rectangle.

在这个简单的例子中,每个可画的对象都是长方形的。In the simplest case, every Drawable object is a rectangle.

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你将可以使用鼠标选取一个矩形框。This will allow you to select a rectangle using your mouse.

计算了一个截面为方形的布撒器模型的机弹干扰情况。A dispenser's model with rectangle cross section is calculated.

实际上是将这个矩形拖放到另一个元素。It is actually this rectangle that you drag to another element.

如果你们还是不相信我,让我来试试另外一个长方形吧。And, if you don't believe me, then try with any other rectangle.

重点研究了矩形式、辐射式板栅。The investigation is focused on the rectangle and radiate grids.

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用同一把刀将鱼肚这里改一下刀。Using the same knife, shape the skinless fillet into a rectangle.

我国最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎。The Simuwu Rectangle Ding is China's biggest piece of bronze ware.

最容易理解这一比例的方式,就是把它想成一个矩型。This ratio can best be understood by thinking of it as a rectangle.