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只有适合的腋下多汗症。It is only suitable for Hyperhidrosis of the axillae.

其家族史呈阳性,即患者母亲于颈部及腋下出现类似皮疹。The family history was positive with his mother having similar rash over neck and axillae.

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仔细的检查腋窝和锁骨上区域看有否受累的淋巴结是必要的。Careful examination of the axillae and supraclavicular area for nodal involvement is necessary.

避免病人体重的腋窝支撑,否则会导致神经损害。Prevents client's body weight from being supported by axillae , which would result in nerve damage.

应触诊腋窝淋巴结的大小,数目,和活动度判断有无腺病。The axillae should be palpated for adenopathy, with an assessment of size of the lymph nodes, number , and fixation.

患者女,68岁。胸背部、腋下起黑褐色斑疹半年余,无自觉症状。A 68-year-old woman presented with dark-brown macules on the trunk and axillae without subjective symptoms for 6 months.

我们相信在将来治疗腋淋巴结阴性的乳腺癌中,这一技术可以免除患者接受不必要的腋淋巴结清扫术。We believe that this technique may replace axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer patients with negative axillae in the future.

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在我没有当医生之前从没对叶腋或腋窝稍加思考过,他们怕痒会出汗,我有时会腾出时间清理他们。I never thought much of the axillae – or armpits – before becoming a doctor.They were ticklish, they sweated, I sometimes got round to shaving them.

在我没有当医生之前从没对叶腋或腋窝稍加思考过,他们怕痒会出汗,我有时会腾出时间清理他们。I never thought much of the axillae – or armpits – before becoming a doctor. They were ticklish, they sweated, I sometimes got round to shaving them.

虽然这种治疗通常是非常成功的腋下,一些患者经历出汗增加的另一部分的机构。Although generally this treatment is very successful for the axillae , some patients have experienced an increase in sweating in another part of the body.

我们报告两个颗粒性角化不全的病例,第一个病例在胯下和腋下注射肉毒杆菌素后,病灶迅速和完全的消失。We describe two cases of granular parakeratosis. In case one, the lesions cleared rapidly and completely after botulinum toxin injections to the axillae and groins.

资料和方法总结我院从1991年应用二氧化碳激光聚光后的热效应烧灼气化腋毛囊破坏大汗腺治疗腋臭80例。Material and method 80 patients were treated by the heat effect of CO 2 laser by burning axillae hair follicle and destroying apocrine gland since 1991 in our hospital.