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我猜测我被冰面上的一小块红色装饰片绊倒了。I suppose I tripped on a red sequin on the ice.

我们只在床上找到这一个亮片是吗?This was the only sequin we found on the bed, right?

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它们和上身的米色珠片带不相配。They do not match the Ivy sequin strips on top of dress.

质量是霓虹珠片的生命和尊严。Quality is the heart's blood and the dignity of RAINBOW SEQUIN.

晶片系列大体上分为镭射膜、光片两类产品。Series of Sequin It usually includes holographic film and glossy film.

该机是目前国内最先进、实用美观的珠片冲压机。With beautiful appearance, this machine is the most advanced sequin punch in domestic.

sequin一词的起源是阿拉伯语的sikkah,意思是用来制作硬币的模具。The word sequin has its origin in Arabic sikkah, meaning a minting die for striking coins.

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在汤姆宾斯珍珠水晶项链的陪衬下,她在这身亮片长裙中更显美丽动人。She looked especially glamorous pairing the sequin gown with a pearl and crystal necklace by Tom Binns.

红地毯变色龙丽亚·米雪儿加入海军蓝行列,同时上身搭配亮片长衫并涂抹深蓝甲油。Red carpet chameleon Lea Michele joins the navy, synching up her midnight sequin gown with inky lacquered nails.

这家公司的供应商把订单二次外包给更小型的公司生产,而这些小型的供应商把服装绣花和缀小金属片的工作转包给孩子,让他们在家里完成这些工作。The suppliers sub-contracted smaller firms, which were using child labour to carry out embroidery and sequin work.

我们要采购亮片服装,礼服,包装材料,专业,时装设计和服装配件。We want to buy Sequin Garments, Ceremonial Dress, Packaging Materials, Speciality, Fashion and Garment Accessories.

公司为广大客户供应珠片,亮片,连线片等各种工艺品,望有意者与我联系。Company customers for the supply of beads films, Sequin , films and other connectivity products, intends to look to contact me.

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这个37岁的超级模特先是身着雅致的亮片套装,然后又换上薄轻透亮的晚礼服。The supermodel, 37, had started her evening in a chic black sequin shift dress, before changing into a shiny sheer evening gown.

黑色的、长方形的、锯齿状的、金片、管状的马克西裙装带来节日的缩影,搭配凯特的签名更显出摇滚的风格。The black rectangular jagged sequin bandeau maxi dress epitomises festive party-wear mixed with Kate's signature rock-n-roll style.

裙子上的这些珠片圆点必须用米色,以搭配上身米色珠片带。请检查,不能用两种不同的颜色。These sequin polka dots on skirt need to be Ivy to match Ivy sequin strips on dress top. Showing two different colors! Please review!

采购产品计算机,糖果点心,楼宇及建造材料和用品,亮片服装,皮具及配件,避孕药和避孕套,香料和调味料,原料药。Building and Construction Material and Supplies, Sequin Garments, Leather Goods and Accessories, Contraceptives and Condoms, Spices and Seasonings, Bulk Drugs.

工厂可进行各类平绣、金片绣、带绣、绳绣、三合一绣花、服装绣等加工业务。Factory can undertake all kinds of flat embroidery, sequin embroidery, with embroider, rope embroidery, three-in-one embroiders, the clothing embroidery of processing operations.