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汉服,汉民族的传统服装。Han Costume, the traditional costume of Han Ethnics.

事实上,种族概念本身就不属于民主范畴。In fact, race and ethnics should never be democratic notion.

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伦常纲纪一直备受传统社会推重。Ranking Ethnics has beer always adored in conventional society.

设计中国和人类的科学全面的可持续发展之路。To establish an ethnics of design on the basis of roundly develop.

黑人和亚洲人?不,警方称其为“明显的少数族裔”Blacks and Asians?No, they're"visible minority ethnics " say police.

铁勒是我国古代北方重要民族之一。The Tiele was one of the major ethnics in ancient times of our country.

为想把自己的文化添入美国万花筒的少数族裔说话。For ethnics who want to add their culture to the mosaic that is America.

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先秦儒家的道德范畴对现代新闻传播自律有着重要的启发。The ethnics in early Ch'in Dynasty can enlighten the modern news dissemination greatly.

加强会计人员的职业道德教育是提高会计信息质量的一个重要手段。An education in professional Ethnics is important to improve accounting information quality.

我希望我们州的人能够继续维护好我们所有的民族自然文化。My hope for my state here is we still preserve whatever natural culture that we have for all ethnics.

五是坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓。Fifth, equal attention has been attached to improving material civilization and socialist culture and ethnics.

合理有序的社会流动是多民族社会现代化的一个重要表征。A reasonable and orderly population floating is an important symbol of modernization in a multi- ethnics nation.

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由于独特的地理环境和族群迁徙,呈现出族群相互渗透、风俗互化的历史画卷。Because of the special geography and ethnical migration, Hezhou is historically ethnics integrated and habitude infiltrated.

两人在宗法礼教的重压下相继殉情而死,化为一对蝴蝶。Under the pressure of the patriarchal clan rules and feudal ethnics , they die for love and turn into a pair of butterflies.

宋朝相传了十八个皇帝之后,北方的少数民族南下侵扰,结果又成了南北混战的局面。At the eighteenth emperor's reign, the ethnics from the north invaded the land, hence scuffles between the north and the south.

反对政治腐败是我国社会主义政治文明建设进程中的一项长期而艰巨的任务。Preventing political corruption is a long-term, difficult task in the process on constructing China's socialist political ethnics.

“不管怎么说,所有的过程都只能通过中央政府和民族团体间对话来实现”,他说。"However, this entire process should only be reached through dialogue between the central government and the ethnics groups, " he said.

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这些名字在竞选宣传信笺上看上去给人印象深刻,但是对于蓝领阶层的少数族裔投票者来说,这些名字不大可能给他们留下什么印象。Their names looked pretty impressive on the campaign stationery, but they weren’t likely to impress many voters among blue-collar ethnics.

父母的教育程度、家庭结构、族群则无统计上的差异。However, significantly relationship between parental educational level, family structure, ethnics and adolescent's body size was not found.

自此,这些朝鲜族人就在延边落地生根,变成中国藉的朝鲜人,他们能说一口流俐的韩语和国语。Since then Korean ethnics began to make a life in Tingbian, becoming Chinese of Korean ethnicity, and can speak fluent Mandarin and Korean.