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不过,拉丹的一个儿子哈姆扎则非常激进。However, bin Laden's son Hamza is a very radical.

哈姆扎和穆罕默德•朱巴斯是一对兄弟,分别为13岁和11岁。Hamza and Muhammad Ju’bas are brothers, ages 13 and 11.

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哈姆扎阿布Zanad,权力,在抽烟,在迪拜,星期一,极其昂贵的酒吧2008年8月25日与朋友。Hamza Abu Zanad, right, smokes with friends at an expensive bar in Dubai, Monday, August 25, 2008.

哈姆扎目前已被认为是最有可能接过父亲“衣钵”的家族成员。" Hamza has now been considered most likely to take over his father, "the mantle of" family members.

巴比尔省的警察局长凯伊斯·哈马扎·阿布德将军中午在他的车队遭袭时身亡。Gen. Qais Hamza Aboud, police chief for the Babil province, was killed in the midday attack on his convoy.

美国国务院的指定正式向全球通知哈姆扎·本·拉登积极参与恐怖主义活动。The State Department's designation serves notice globally that Hamza bin Laden actively engaged in terrorism.

这个叙利亚男孩哈姆扎同突尼斯布亚齐兹一样,成了起义的化身,而叙利亚起义至今仍在发生流血事件。Like the Tunisian Bouazizi, the Syrian boy Hamza has become the symbol for a revolt in which the blood keeps flowing.

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人们或受伤或被杀,有些人被捕.那里很混乱,我们不知当时哈姆萨发生什麽事.他只是不见了.People were killed and wounded, some were arrested. It was chaotic we didn't know at that point what had happened to Hamza.

在这份音频信息中,哈姆扎·本·拉登威胁袭击美国和在海外的美国人。As part of the same audio message, Hamza bin Laden threatened attacks against the United States as well as Americans abroad.

4月29日,13岁的哈姆扎•阿里•哈提布由于高喊“打倒叙利亚政府”而在叙利亚的德拉镇被捕。Hamza Ali Al-Khateeb was 13 years old. He was arrested in Daraa, in Syria, on April 29 for chanting “Down with the Syrian regime.”

住在迪拜的27岁伊拉克人哈姆扎·提亚伯就全球经济危机如何影响富裕的中东国家这样说。Hamza Thiab, a 27-year-old Iraqi living in Dubai, on how the global economic crisis has affected the affluent Middle Eastern country.

哈姆扎谈到突尼斯的妇女推出了针对强硬最近的示威,反对伊斯兰主义戏剧团体和演员。Hamza spoke of the recent demonstrations in Tunisia by hard-line Islamists against unveiled women and against theatre groups and actors.

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哈姆扎说,目前该地区的泥土仍然较松,而傍晚又下起了小雨,给救援工作带来很大困难。Hamza said that currently the region's soil remains loose, and the evening it began to rain, has caused great difficulties to the rescue.

美国军方说,该组织新的领导人阿布。穆哈耶可能是阿布。马斯里的别名,他是一位和扎卡维关系非常密切的埃及人。S. military says it believes the group's new leader Abu Hamza al-Muhajer is probably an alias for Abu Ayyub al-Masri, an Egyptian closely tied to Zarqawi.

美国军方说,该组织新的领导人阿布.穆哈耶可能是阿布.马斯里的别名,他是一位和扎卡维关系非常密切的埃及人。The U. S. military says it believes the group's new leader Abu Hamza al-Muhajer is probably an alias for Abu Ayyub al-Masri, an Egyptian closely tied to Zarqawi.

叙利亚禁制所有外国媒体,但亲历此事的当地记者和人权学者都认为没有理由怀疑哈姆萨的影片是否属实.All foreign media are barred from Syria but experienced local journalists and human rights researchers found no reason to doubt the authenticity of the footage of Hamza.

2005年,年仅14岁的哈姆扎拍摄了一段视频,视频中哈姆扎表达了对美国的愤怒,他手拿半自动冲锋枪,声称自己刚刚参加完一场“战斗”。In 2005, only 14-year-old Hamza filmed a video of Hamza expressed anger against the United States, semi-automatic assault rifle in his hand, claimed that they just participated in a "battle."

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Khateeb生活在叙利亚南部一个偏远的小地方,他生前喜爱下雨,因为雨水会灌满农田的灌渠,他和其他的孩子就可以跳下去,游水嬉戏。Hamza al-Khateeb used to love it when the rains came to his small corner of southern Syria, filling up the farmers' irrigation channels enough so that he and the other children could jump in and swim.