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你是如何让自己成为超级巨星?。How did you menage to be a superstar?

它描述了古怪的法耶德家族。It describes the bizarre Fayed menage.

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三人行给了我完成影片高潮的灵感。Ménage gave me great idea for the climax of the movie.

或者,就是那类的场面,终结者3的火力吊车。Or, for that matter, Terminator 3's fire truck-car-crane ménage à trois.

露意丝说她来的时候看见这里有一种特别的组织。Louise said there was some sort of a peculiar menage she ran into up here.

起初我以为三人同居会令人尴尬,可是一点儿也不。At first I thought it was going to be embarrassing, a ménage à trois, but not at all.

最终,他和一对警察夫妻过上了幸福的三人生活。He eventually found happiness in a ménage à trois with a married policeman and his wife.

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探索了在深化金融改革中,如何建立和完善国家金库管理体制。Explore how to based and consummate nation exchequer menage system on deepen finance fashion.

游客们正聚集起来,观看旧金山动物园里一场不寻常的三角恋中的角色。Visitors are flocking to see the characters in an unusual menage a trois at San Francisco zoo.

当一件不愉快的事情发生的时候,如果你观察得稍为深刻些,你便会发现通常是家庭方面有些问题。If you will look deeper, when some unpleasant incident occurs, you'll find that there's usually something wrong in the domestic menage.

本文在对大钢精密内外部环境进行系统分析的基础上,制定出了大钢精密的营销策略和实施方案。At first the marketing environment of PAL-DISGC in home and aboard is provide in this paper, and menage strategy and executing project are given.