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巴松管表现的是祖父The bassoon is the grandfather.

大调巴松四四重奏,作品第1号,第一首。Bassoon Quartet in C major, Op. 1, No. 1

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大调巴松四重奏,作品第1号,第二首。Bassoon Quartet in F major, Op. 1, No. 2

大调巴松四重奏,作品1,第六首。Bassoon Quartet in F major, Op. 1, No. 6

大调巴松四重奏,作品1,第五首。Bassoon Quartet in G major, Op. 1, No. 5

降B大调巴松四重奏,作品第1号,第三首。Bassoon Quartet in B flat major, Op. 1, No. 3

降E大调巴松四重奏,作品1,第四首。Bassoon Quartet in E flat major, Op. 1, No. 4

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他的哥哥是一名出色的大管演奏家。His brother is an outstanding bassoon player.

那条对位旋律线是巴松管演奏的It's a bassoon playing the contrapuntal line.

像低音管一样,悄悄地在天上发出隆隆声。Booming softly through heaven, like a bassoon.

他把巴松管夹在腋下,跺着脚走了出去。He tucked the bassoon under an arm and stamped out.

随后,单簧管,低音管和其它乐器也开始了演奏。A clarinet and bassoon and other instruments start playing.

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通过计算大管棚的回拖力来选择钻机。We choose the rigs through calculating the strength of canopy back to towing bassoon.

巴松管往往被视为管弦乐团的小丑,巴松管莎拉亚伯拉罕肯定会同意。Bassoon is often regarded as the clown of the orchestra, and bassoonist Sarah Abraham would certainly agree.

长笛、双簧管和低音管吹出轻薄的夜曲般的曲调,钢琴用安静疾驰的滑音引领音乐。Flute, oboe and bassoon sound a thin, nocturnal tune, the pianist guides it onwards with quiet, brushing sweeps.

别从你的乐队里拿些第三单簧或者第二低音声部的谱来做考试材料。Do not take something like the 3rd clarinet part or the 2nd bassoon part of a work from your band or orchestra folder as audition material.

由于巴松管的声音有这种特点,它总是用来表现幽默,在管弦乐队中演奏比较低沉部分Because of the sort of particular character of the bassoon sound, it's often used to play sort of funny, little low-note characters in the orchestra.

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然后,旋律在上面,这支巴松管来演奏对位,基本上在中间,而低音提琴在底下悄悄地演奏这些音符So, there's the melody up above, this bassoon playing the counterpoint, kind of in the middle, and then the bass playing these notes quietly underneath.

我是否被包围在肆意可怕的忧虑、离奇的命运、嘲笑的暗示,甚至无礼的欢乐当中,独自倾听钢琴与巴松管的对答?Am I alone in hearing, amidst the prevailing ghostly disquiet, the spectral weirdness, a hint of derision, even disrespectful mirth, in the dialogue between the piano left hand and bassoon?

她是音乐学院的在读博士,刚刚以出色的成绩通过资格考试,她马上要为我们演奏巴松管,木管乐器中声音最低沉的乐器She is a PhD candidate in the department of music, just passed her qualifying exam with flying colors, so here she is to demonstrate the bassoon for us, lowest member of the woodwind family.