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我的粉笔在哪里?Where is my chalk?

这有一根粉笔。Here's a piece of chalk.

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这位女士有没有买粉笔?Does the lady buy and chalk?

你可以用粉笔把它记在墙上。You may chalk it on the wall.

一根粉笔可以被破坏。A piece of chalk can be broken.

他小跑着去拿一些粉笔。He trots off to get some chalk.

我外套上弄上一些粉笔灰了。I've got some chalk on my coat.

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他用粉笔吸干了墨水。He sopped up the ink with chalk.

我用粉笔把这个单词涂去了。I obliterate the word with chalk.

我很好,不---我准好了,我只有这只粉笔,I’m,fine。,I,don’t,–I'm all set, I only use this chalk.

黑板擦擦掉粉笔字迹。Rub out chalk marks with an eraser.

海底的沙子比白垩更白Sand on the bottom whiter than chalk

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我来换根粉笔好了What I can do with is some more chalk.

粉笔划过黑板发出刺耳的声音。The chalk rasped across the blackboard.

我看着他用粉笔画了一幅画。I watched him draw a picture with chalk.

粉笔在黑板上摩擦发出吱吱的刺耳声。The chalk jarred against the blackboard.

粉笔痕迹破坏墙壁的外观。Chalk marks deface the wall of the house.

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用粉笔在人行道上涂鸦.Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk.

请把这笔钱记在帐上,我下个月付。Just chalk it up and I'll pay next month.

老师掸掉黑板擦上的粉笔灰。The teacher beat chalk dust from erasers.