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喂,小尕子,你叫啥名字?Ahoy , young man, what's your name?

他是在跟一大袋的洋芋片苦苦挣扎。He was in bed with a big bag of Chips Ahoy.

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芯片从1990年阿霍伊商业主演本斯坦。Chip Ahoy " commercial " from 1990 starring Stan.

船长对着附近的一条船大声喊。"Oi! , ship ahoy" shouted the captain of the ship.

此外,30饼干食谱说,但我国产芯片阿霍伊大小饼干。In addition, he said, "30" biscuit "recipe, " but I made the size of "the" chip cookies Ahoy.

方法对内镜下置入63枚支架的操作技术进行了回顾性分析。Methods Retrospective study that 63 cases were treated through insert memory ahoy stent by endoscope.

加拿大人也有趣多多曲奇,但品种完全不及美国人那么多有趣和全面。While Canada has Chips Ahoy cookies, we don't have all of the fun varieties that can be found in America.

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吉娜恬不知耻地闯进来,还自称未婚妻,喏得翁姨和小兰拿着扫帚要赶,可达伟却遏止了。Zina shameless breaking in to, still profess to WengYi and fiancee, ahoy orchid holding broom to drive, can reach wei is discouraged.

趣多多自1998年进入中国市场,销量没有明显的提升,消费者认为趣多多仅仅是另外一个品牌的曲奇饼干。Chips Ahoy failed to greatly increase its sales since entry to Chinese market in 1998. In consumers' eyes, Chips Ahoy was only another brand of cookies.

介绍了国内外铝、镁合金在汽车产品制造工艺应用的发展历程,并根据产品应用类别状况进行了阐述。The development experiences of domestic and foreign aluminum alloy & magnesium ahoy in automobile manufacture processes are illustrated according to product application classification condition.