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享有自由的理想。The idea of liberty.

他们渴望自由。They desire liberty.

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自由并非特许证。Liberty is not licence.

与自由一起阔步向前。Stalking with liberty along.

决心不获自由宁可死亡。Resolv'd on Death or Liberty.

失去自由即失去一切。Who loseth liberty loseth all.

全船的人都自由了。The whole ship was given liberty.

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不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。Don't confuse liberty with license.

我只懂得爱和自由。I understand only love and liberty.

自由与法律以同等的比例发展。Liberty and law advance pari passu.

我们才是自由的真正忠诚卫士。We are the true adherents of liberty.

而整片翠林却欢唱着那自由之歌。While all the forest sang of liberty.

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极度崇尚个人自由A fierce belief in individual liberty.

埋葬在自由女神的身旁。Buried besides the Goddess of liberty.

自由女神喜欢这项运动!!!Statue of Liberty likes this game! ! !

他们倒下了,为的是自由能长存。Theyhave died that liberty might live.

于是放荡牵著司法的鼻子走。And Liberty plucks Justice by the nose.

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自由岛重新开放,2001年12月Liberty Island Re-Opens, December, 2001

真正的自由,是生而自由的人This is true Liberty when free born men

大腿却不能随意束紧的。But not at liberty to tighten the thigh.