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我们正在整理那些英文书。We are arranging those English books.

为什么不试试插花?Why don't you try the flower arranging?

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他们正在把一本小说改编成话剧。They are arranging a novel for the stage.

安排跨国婚姻是一桩大买卖。Arranging foreign marriages is big business.

比如欣赏一朵花,如花的布局。Just admiring a flower, such as flower arranging.

詹姆斯正为海伦张罗一场令她惊喜的晚会。James is arranging a big surprising party for her.

我们正在安排下次会议时,他插手进来了。We were arranging the next meeting when he butted in.

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乔治想参与表演会的安排工作。George would like to have a hand in arranging the entertainment.

于是,我让自己休息,去花园排布新种植的植物。So I took a break and worked in the garden arranging new plantings.

幸运的是,一位导演帮助他,为他安排受教育。Luckily, one of the directors helped him by arranging his education.

我们安排工作时要留有余地。When arranging our work, we should allow for unforeseen circumstances.

键位设计是实现藏字编码输入的关键步骤。Arranging Tibetan on a keyboard is a crucial step to input Tibetan code.

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编号是一个技术,你可以利用彩色玻璃时安排。Numbering is one technique you can utilize when arranging stained glass.

也就是,帮助公司安排销售,证券和股份。That is, arranging for the issuance by corporations of stocks and bonds.

加强板的布置位置及其端头的设计等。Strengthening the knothole position arranging and design of the head, etc.

担任主席职位的人负责安排会议。The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings.

赫斯渥太太继续梳理着头发,甚至不屑朝他瞅一眼。Mrs. Hurstwood kept on arranging her hair, not so much as deigning a glance.

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眼下,她正在考虑花艺和兽医助理这两种工作。Right now she is considering flower arranging and a veterinarians assistant.

我猜你们安排铁路运输有困难。慧商虎年送大礼套餐任搭配!You may have some difficulties in arranging railway transportation, I guess.

许多家庭常常因筹备婚礼和准备丰厚嫁妆而负债累累。Families often go into debt arranging marriages and paying elaborate dowries.