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我们的爱能走多远我就有多忠诚。Our love can walk is much far I to have loyally.

几十年来,全国人们忠心跟随毛。For decades, the whole nation followed Mao loyally.

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他在地下埋藏了2000年,只为忠诚的履行自己的职责。He has lain underground for 2, 000 years, loyally doing his duty.

企业必须以自己的忠诚换顾客的忠诚。The enterprise must use its own loyally trade customer's loyalty.

佩莱昂忠心耿耿地服务于索龙身旁,如同他的至亲密友。Pellaeon served loyally at Thrawn's side as his trusted confidant.

包括斧兵奥图格在内的加莫人从此向他效忠。The Gamorreans, including Ortugg the axeman, served him loyally ever since.

她给那条小狗起名叫波特,这时小狗已经长大,正忠诚地守在她身边。The puppy, whom she had named Bolt, was standing loyally right next to her, now fully grown.

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邮差狗非常忠诚地紧随着邮递员因此已经成为了传奇。And pooches that tagged along with mail carriers so loyally that they became the stuff of legend.

他忠心耿耿地向他既敬且畏的社会交上自己的血汗和租税。He gives loyally his taxes and his blood to a society for which he feels fear as much as respect.

者被忠诚地而且冷酷地执行所有的命令的家仆包围着他自己。The dictator surrounded himself with myrmidons who would loyally and pitilessly execute all orders.

所以,当董事会要求辞退某人,向富士通辞退野副州旦这样,公司员工的忠诚度会迅速上升。So when a board requests a resignation, as it did at Fujitsu, employees loyally fall on their swords.

“你必须忠实地完成我赏脸派给你的差事,”那年轻女人说。"You must accomplish loyally the commission with which I deign to charge you, " said the young woman.

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如果一致意见是你应该继续留任,那么我会以一名普通议员的身份忠诚地支持政府。If the consensus is that you should continue, then I will support the government loyally from the backbenches.

本文将着重研究领导力和员工忠诚管理的相关性。This article will study the relevance which emphatically the leadership strength and the staff manage loyally.

一片丹心育人,一片爱心助人,一片真心为民,一片忠心献国。A loyalty nurtures the human , a compassion helps the human , a sincerity is people , a piece offers the country loyally.

而又有谁料想到忠实的波特迷们会伴随这个故事跨入20岁的年纪?Who could have anticipated that the child fans of the original story would loyally follow the series well into their 20s?

藏獒是一种忠诚护主、勇猛直前、唯一不怕暴力的神犬。Hides the mastiff is one kind protects loyally main, advances bravely fiercely, does not fear the violence only the god dog.

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只有坚持不懈地反腐败,才能保持党的先进性,忠实地当好“三个代表”。Only by sticking to fight against corruption constantly, can we keep the Party's progressiveness, and be "Three Represents" loyally.

阿纳金·天行者忠诚地向温杜汇报了这个发现,但是这位绝地大师还是不肯完全信任年轻的绝地。It was Anakin Skywalker who loyally delivered news of this discovery to Windu, though the Jedi Master still did not fully trust the young Jedi.

书是我的亲密朋友,多年来它对我不离不弃,忠诚地陪伴守候在我身边,给了我思想的启迪和智慧的钥匙。Book is my hand-in-hand friend, she and I are together all along, and she loyally strings along with me and gives me ideaistic edification and a sapiential key.