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给他们买一种新香水。Buy them a new perfume.

回避送衣服、香水。Avoid clothes or perfume.

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葡萄酒伪装成香水?Wine disguised as perfume?

然后是香水,不太多。Perfume next, not too much.

他闻到了她身上的一股香水味。He caught a whiff of her perfume.

房间里弥漫着劣质香水的呛鼻气味。The room reeked of cheap perfume.

是谁身上有那么浓的香味?Who's wearing that spicy perfume?

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空气中飘溢着香水的雾气。A mist of perfume hung in the air.

这就像往猪猡身上洒香水。It's like putting perfume on a pig.

像,食物的美味,还有香水味。Things like good food, and perfume.

复制-粘贴就像廉价的香水Copy-and-paste is like cheap perfume

我能为您推荐清妃香水吗?。Can I recommend this Qingfei perfume?

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这种清妃香水怎么样?。How do you like this Qingfei perfume?

香膏约值一年的工资。The perfume cost about a years wages.

荷花使整个公园变得很香。Those lotuses perfume the whole park.

一卉能熏一室香。One jasmine flower can perfume a room.

最好的使用方法是当作香水或加到沐浴水中。Best used as a perfume or in your bath.

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木犀草香味已杳然消失。The perfume of mignonette had departed.

好的,这是一款适合女士用的香水。Well, here is a perfume kind for women.

我的个人品牌香水也会面世啦!And what else? my perfume comes too! ! !