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可以将之用于棉铃虫的预测预报。The two-wave-lamp can be used in the forecast of cotton bollworm.

本文研究来源于棉铃虫幼虫粪便的产卵忌避信息素,主要结果如下。Here we investigate oviposition-deterring pheromone originated from larval frass of cotton bollworm.

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对大荔县棉铃虫抗药性及综合治理等方面提出一些见解。Some opinions on drug-resistance and comprehensive treatment of Bollworm in Dali County were put forward.

相对湿度发生变化时,感病棉铃虫死亡速度和死亡率明显不同。There were significant differences among the mortalities of the cotton bollworm under different humidities.

叶片在棉花植株上的空间分布位置不影响对棉铃虫抗性的表达。The spatial site distribution of the plant leaves didn't influence the expression of the resistance to bollworm.

这些结果说明神经敏感性降低是棉铃虫对拟除虫菊酯抗药性的重要机制。It implies that the decreased nerve sensitivity is an important pyrethroid resistance mechanism of cotton bollworm.

大众传播媒介与人际传播媒介相结合是抗虫棉传播的最佳模式。The combination of mass media and person-to-person media is the best model of extending transgenic bollworm resistant cotton.

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水解酯酶和多功能氧化酶是导致棉铃虫对溴氰菊酯产生高抗性的重要酶系。The hydrolase and mixed function oxidase might be the important enzymes to cause the high resistance of cotton bollworm todeltamethrin.

棉花害虫做了野外试验,它带有一个发光的水母蛋白测试基因。Last October, scientists field-tested a cotton pest called the pink bollworm moth, carrying a test gene for a glowing jellyfish protein.

通过次生物质对这两种幼虫效应的比较可知,棉铃虫有较大的忍耐力。A comparison between the tolerance capacities of these two species indicates that the bollworm is more tolerant than the tobacco budworm.

本文提出适合江西棉区推广应用的棉铃虫综合治理措施,包括种植抗虫棉、农业防治、化学防治等。Planting resistant cotton varieties, agricultural and chemical control are important measures of integrated management of cotton bollworm.

据此认为,多功能氧化酶和羧酸酯酶代谢作用的增强是棉铃虫对久效磷产生抗性的原因之一。These results suggest that both Mixed-function oxidase and esterase play an important role in cotton bollworm resistance to monocrotophos.

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依据上述研究结果,结合新疆地区的冬季气候特点提出了棉铃虫在新疆地区的越冬区划。Based on the above results and climate information, the overwintering areas of cotton bollworm in Xinjiang Region is analyzed in this paper.

谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性随棉铃虫发育期的进程而变化,在卵期最低,5龄、6龄幼虫和成虫期最高。The results showed that the specific activity of GSTs was lowest in the egg stage and highest in the 5th-6th instars of the cotton bollworm.

用高渗酮增效的四种不同的高渗农药制剂在室内对棉铃虫幼虫的杀伤力进行了试验。Antipersonnel force of four types of high penetrating insecticides controlling against the larvae of cotton bollworm was tested in laboratory.

结果表明,筛选后新疆棉铃虫对硫丹和溴氰菊酯产生的抗性倍数分别为13倍和66倍。The results showed that the resistance ratios to endosulfan and deltamethrin were 13 and 66 folds in Xinjiang cotton bollworm after selection.

探讨了种植密度和整枝方式对抗虫杂交组合的产量和主要经济性状的影响。Effects of density treatments and pruning modes on yield and main economic characters for hybrid cotton resistance to bollworm were studied in this paper.

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考虑到笼罩诱捕器的高效、稳定和简易,作者希望在我国尽快将其用于进行棉铃虫成虫的标准化监测。Considering its catching efficiency, stability and feasibility, the authors suggested to utilize an improved cone trap in monitoring program for the bollworm.

由于Bt棉对棉花和相邻作物起到保护作用,显著降低了杀虫剂的大面积使用,一种新的病虫——盲蝽蟓逐渐演化上升成为棉田的主要害虫。And while insecticide use has decreased since the introduction of Bt cotton, a new insect — mirid — has gradually replaced bollworm to become the main cotton pest.

在总体上,三种棉花的产量相似,但是种植传统棉花的农民需要使用额外的杀虫剂控制棉铃虫和其他害虫。Overall the three varieties had similar yields, but farmers growing conventional cotton had to use extra insecticides to control the bollworm and other insect pests.