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我打算休一天假。Finagle a day off from work.

虚假的因素几乎所有地方都有。Finagle factor is at work in nearly all fields.

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把客户的钱都骗光的可疑的证券经纪人。Shady stockbrokers who finagle their clients out of fortunes.

一些科学界最主要的人物被认为有过作假的行为。Figures in science are believed to have used the finagle factor.

大多数人都不会把“欺骗”这个词和科学联系在一起。FINAGLE " is not a word that most people associate with science ."

鉴于我自己对个人理财还算有些心得,我试图想出蒙混过关的法子。Being somewhat knowledgeable about personal finance, I'm trying to figure out how to finagle this.

也有很多人都想混过去,不愿承担太多责任,也不想放下那些夜晚有夜店噪音相伴恣意狂欢的日子。Many try to finagle through, avoiding more responsibilities, yet still taking a claim to those ravishing days of club noise.

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合同诈骗罪是刑法规定的新罪名,在司法实践中认定合同诈骗罪存在诸多难点问题。Contract finagle is a new punishment in Criminal Law, and there exist some difficulties in recognizing contract finale crime.

他能搞到的便宜二手灌溉机泄漏的水比用于灌溉的还多,而蚊患水池使得整个农场痢疾肆虐。The cheap, used irrigation gear he could finagle leaks more than it irrigates, leaving mosquito pools that qualify this farm as malarious.

现金流是一个比收益更好的衡量利润的指标,因为在银行存款数目上造假比在另一些计入收益的数目,如折旧表上造假要难。Cash flow is a better profit measure than earnings because it's harder to finagle bank balances than numbers like depreciation schedules that figure into earnings.

然而,这个机灵鬼打着哄有同情心的阿尔弗雷多这个格言大都出自好莱坞编剧笔下的老头收他当学徒的小算盘。However, the resourceful imp manages to finagle an apprenticeship out of the sympathetic Alfredo, whose adages come mostly from the pens of Hollywood screenwriters.

这个年龄段是一个灰色地带,很多人都想混过去,不愿承担太多责任,也不想放下那些夜晚有街灯、挥舞的拳头以及夜店噪音相伴恣意狂欢的日子。It’s a grey area, that many try to finagle through, avoiding more responsibilities, yet still taking a claim to those ravishing days of dark nights, city streetlights, pumping fists, and club noise.

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无论我们怎样巧妙地瞒山过海,那种只注重衍生物的价值而忽略最终让我们获利的资产的价值的尝试大都是徒劳无益的。Attempts to shore up the value of a derivative without shoring up the value of the assets from which they ultimately derive their value are likely to be in vain however cleverly we may try to finagle.