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你确实戒酒了吗,哈普?Are you sure you quit, Harp?

啊竖琴与祭坛,为雷霆融合O harp and altar, of the fury fused

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你的英魂,伴着忠实的琴声,进入天堂。One faithful harp shall praise thee!

她轻轻地弹拨竖琴的弦。She touched the strings of the harp.

你们的身体是你们灵魂的琴瑟And your body is the harp of your soul

没有要老是弹一根弦。Not good is it to harp on the same string.

用餐后,她开始弹奏起竖琴让我们饮酒消食。She began to harp us to drink after dinner.

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我抚琴吟咏,却听到泪水流淌。And tears are heard within the harp I touch.

于是魔琴响起了悲伤的乐音。The harp answered with the magic Music of Tears.

和声对于竖琴就像精神对于身体。Harmony is to the harp as the mind is to the body.

她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.

吃完早餐后,怪物坐在了他的金竖琴旁边。After breakfast, the ogre sat beside his golden harp.

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每一次到镇里来,她都要把玩汤米的竖琴。She always played Tommy's harp when she came to town.

竖琴在泰雅族音乐中扮演着显着的角色。Playing a prominent role in Atayal music is the Jew's harp.

朱莉用竖琴给鲍里斯弹奏最悲哀的夜曲。Julie played to Boris the most mournful nocturnes on the harp.

木格口琴比塑格口琴音色更好吗?Does a wood bodied harp sound better than a plastic bodied harp?

你的竖琴就在那里,其上有一根琴弦,能够弹出你所渴望的乐音。There is your harp with one string on it of the tone you desire.

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一只年轻的海豹试探着加拿大海湾圣劳伦斯那冰冷的海水。A young harp seal tests the frigid waters in Canada's Gulf of St.

在阿拉斯加内陆地区及加拿大,有阿塔帕斯卡人和阿尔衮琴人。In Alaska inland areas and Canada, have o tower and PASCAL's harp.

下列各段,37页到47页讲的是演奏布鲁斯口琴。The following section , pages 37 to 47 , is for playing blues harp.