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双方都觉得自己很委屈。Both sides feeled a sense of grievance.

他在报纸上为自己鸣不平。He aired his grievance in the newspaper.

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没人能为他申冤。Nobody could redress the grievance for him.

执行纪律和申诉程序。Implement disciplinary and grievance procedures.

说白了,它们就是帮读者出恶气的。They simply strengthen readers' sense of grievance.

鸡和牛满腹牢骚在闲聊。A hen and a cow are chatting, both full of grievance.

我们的社会充满了太多的不满和抱怨。Our society is so focused on grievance and complaint.

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那个叫夜饮恨的是什么人?The make the night nurse a grievance of is what person?

他投诉了西莉亚的体操教练,表示对他不满。He had filed a grievance against celia’s gymnastics coach.

委屈,心理的酸楚,有谁可以诉说。Grievance , of psychology distressed, who can be recounted.

但没有人会带着怨恨离场。But no one would have been stigmatised or left with a grievance.

回家时他一路上都在发牢骚,说这种冤情足以让人离婚。He grumbled all the way home that this was enough grievance for a divorce.

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他们主要的抱怨是没有拿到那少得可怜的工资。Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay.

“都是地震造成的,”市民田原说,“地已经不平了。”"Are caused by the earthquake, " Tahara said the public "to have a grievance.

最好的办法就是,忘掉自己的委屈,加入他们,和大家一起围着钢琴玩。Out of it, better go in and join the group around the piano and forget my grievance.

自被罢免后,Reesd对联合国在日内瓦的争议法庭就存有不满。Rees has since filed a grievance with the U.N. internal disputes tribunal in Geneva.

好了,不管怎么说,当我们受委屈或不高兴时,可以唱一首歌来发泄下。Ok , whatever , we can sing a song to abreact it when we are sad or endure grievance.

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因为那些让我们感到不满和怨恨的事情能够反映出我们是如何看待自己的。Because our stories of grievance and resentment are a way to define who we think we are.

退伍军人的主要诉求是解决退伍安置的问题。The ex-servicemen's main grievance is the difficulty of settling back into civilian life.

马跃接儿子回到家,责怪他不应该和同学打架,马骏很委屈。Jump up son returned home, blame he shouldn t fight with your classmates, ma very grievance.