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见识一下这种“射刃枪”吧。Enter the Blade Launcher.

他的目的是设法使用他已有的运载火箭。His intent was to somehow use the launcher he had.

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可以将其看作是活动的启动器。You can think of it as the launcher for activities.

现在,你可以在您的应用程式启动台中看到。Now you’ll see it through your application launcher.

关闭反舰弹道导弹的开火键和要快!Close the firing key on the ASBM launcher and presto!

假如为'0',快速启动将会在每个视点上面显示。If '0' the launcher will be displayed on every viewport.

我准备死盯着奔驰车里的导弹发射器。I'm going after the missile launcher inside that Mercedes.

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它由一个半自动20毫米智能榴弹发射器组成。It consists of a semi-automatic 20mm smart-grenade launcher.

露西扔下导弹发射器帮库尔特把汤姆拖起来。Lucy dropped the missile launcher and helped Kurt pull Tom up.

一种从石弓中分化出来的用手来发射的弓箭。A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow.

古代投掷物体之发射器,用作发射长箭或重型球状物。A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow.

他的护手里安装了火焰喷射器和绳索发射器。His gauntlets contain a flamethrower, and a whipcord lanyard launcher.

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后进弹的发射装置用来发射无致命的防暴榴弹。The rear-fed launcher is used to launch non-lethal anti-riot grenades.

一个40毫米榴弹发射器,和一挺7.62毫米EX34链式机枪,外加2000发子弹。Or one 40mm grenade launcher &a 7.62mm EX34 chain gun with 2000 rounds.

在炮塔每侧安装一具四管烟榴弹发射器。A four-barrel smoke grenade launcher is mounted on each side of the turret.

蒙古军中之火箭炮车,是喷射火焰的木质魔鬼战车。The Mongolian rocket launcher resembles a wooden, fire-spitting demon-wagon.

一旦我抓住那两个人,缴获导弹发射器,一切问题都会迎刃而解。Once I have the missile launcher and the men in custody, we can sort this out.

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一些单位配备有68型19管130毫米多管火箭发射器。Some units were fitted with the Type 68 19-tube 130mm multiple rocket launcher.

但是作为横跨驴象之间的预算战争的弹射器,标普表现出色。But as a launcher of a shot across the bow in the budget battle, S.& P. did well.

采用数值模拟方法研究了EAST低杂波天线的耦合特性。The coupling properties of EAST LHW launcher are analyzed by numerical simulation.