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他们以6比1战胜了休斯敦队。They've got 6-1 win over Houston.

我在休斯顿家里呆了一天.I was home for one day in Houston.

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他们以6比1人战胜了休斯敦队。They've got a 6-1 win over Houston.

休斯顿任劳任怨地为杰克逊做事。Houston had worked hard for Jackson.

休斯顿是建在湿地上的。In Houston it's built on top of a swamp,

休斯敦仍然实行夜间宵禁。Houston remains under a nighttime curfew.

圣达那大军随后转向萨姆.休斯顿。Santa Ana then moved against Sam Houston.

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这周我总算回到休斯顿的家了.This week, I am finally back home in Houston.

你听说过惠特尼·休斯顿的名字吗?Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston?

休斯顿和亚特兰大将进行决定性选举。There will be run-offs in Houston and Atlanta.

李牧师在波士顿一切顺利,将于22日晚上回到休士顿。Pastor Lee will come back to Houston on May 22.

休斯顿自己带领一支小部队前往圣安东尼奥。Houston would go there himself with a small force.

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白羊座,是你的生日。Go Aries its your birthday, Houston Astros Jerseys.

当晚,林书豪在篮网队的伤员名单中。Lin was on the injured list for Houston that night.

“这真是令人难以置信,”他在休斯顿对KRIV-TV电视台说。"This is unbelievable," he told KRIV-TV in Houston.

火箭队对此拒绝发表任何评论。The Houston Rockets declined comment for this story.

“这是公共卫生事业的伟大胜利,”豪斯顿说。“It’s a great public health success, ” Houston says.

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休斯敦是美国港口中最靠近巴拿马运河的一个。Houston is the closest U.S. port to the Panama Canal.

提到休斯顿是适合居住和游玩的有趣的城市。Houston is a fun city to live and play, says.

休斯顿有点悠闲,城市节奏较慢。Houston is a little more laid-back, the pace is slower