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我喜欢那家小酒店。I like that small pub.

我和她约在当地的一家酒吧碰面。I meet her at a local pub.

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去一个满是爱尔兰佬的酒馆?Going to a pub full of Micks?

两个酒鬼在小酒店打架。Two drunks fought at the pub.

这家酒馆用的是黑木镶板。The pub had dark wood panelling.

这间酒吧有许多忠实的老主顾。This pub has many loyal customers.

我现在要到酒店那儿去。I'm just trotting round to the pub.

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小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民。The pub was full of tweedy farmers.

我把车子开到一家小酒馆并在路旁停下。I pulled off the road at a small pub.

我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后。After I had had lunch at a village pub.

他们在午夜时分摇摇晃晃地走出酒馆。They reeled out of the pub at midnight.

这小酒店有几种挺不错的散装啤酒。The pub has several good beers on draft.

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我们在一次酒店游戏赢得一瓶威士忌酒。We won a bottle of whisky at a pub quiz.

太阳下山后我到喜欢的酒馆去消遣。I unwind at my favourite pub after sunset.

好吧,请告诉我这个酒吧到底在哪里?Well, tell me, where on earth is this pub?

中午在曼彻斯特郊外的一家老字号小店吃了饭。Had Lunch at an old pub outside Manchester.

新业主对酒吧进行了翻新。The new owner had given the pub a face-lift.

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涉案歌舞厅已被责令停业。The pub has been ordered to suspend business.

猪头酒吧墙上的猪头。A hog's head on the wall of the Hog's Head pub.

他弄到了开酒吧的合格证。He has got the qualification for opening a pub.