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有些新员工相互合谋共事。Some of the new employees are in cahoots with each other.

当地的小道消息是,Battulga和俄罗斯人相互勾结。The local gossip is that Battulga is in cahoots with the Russians.

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你说谎!你和她们一起搞鬼。你怎么能如此可恶?You're lying! You're in cahoots with them. How could you be so cruel?

指的是堕落的犹太人,违法了摩西五经,会与安条克狼狈为奸。That is,the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus.

美国人骂阿富汗监狱的官员是一群废物,他们腐败无能,而且与塔利班沆瀣一气。The US claimed Afghan prison official were incompetent, corrupt, and in cahoots with Taliban.

但日本的监管者在相当长的时间内,与银行狼狈为奸,共同隐藏他们的不良贷款。But Japan's regulators for a long while were in cahoots with banks over hiding their bad loans.

这些巨头企业与政客合谋,确实在剥削美国的中产阶级和穷人。In cahoots with the politicians, these giant firms are indeed ripping off the middle class and poorer Americans.

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有阴谋论者相信政府和大企业在谋划着将这个国家困在燃气泵的范围内。There are conspiracy theorists who believe the government and big business are in cahoots to keep the country tethered to the gas pump.

三是与地产中介代理商串通组成联盟,共同不断制造房价新高。Third, is in cahoots the composition alliance with the real estate intermediary business agent, makes house price new high unceasingly together.

在官商勾结中,正在产生着类似于英格兰早期工业化过程中的邪恶作坊。In cahoots with private developers and companies, it is they that are producing conditions resembling the satanic mills of early industrial England.

由蚂蚁、“蚂蚁鸟”、“蚂蚁鸟蝴蝶”还有谁知道什么玩意儿的别的东西组成的杂牌军,将会像一群串通好了的吉普赛人一样,浩浩荡荡地扫荡这片丛林。The whole motley crew of ants, ant-birds and ant-bird-butterflies, and who knew what else, would roam across the jungle like a band of gypsies in cahoots.

而在伊斯兰堡,总理优素福吉拉尼则抨击美国,称如果美国相信巴基斯坦与基地组织“同流合污”,就是“没有诚意”的表现。In Islamabad, Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani lashed out at the United States, calling it "disingenuous" to believe that Pakistan could have been "in cahoots" with al Qaeda.

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又跟神殿的使者串通,假称是天神降怒,必须将王子弗利克索斯祭献才可平息饥荒。Also is in cahoots with the temple messenger, claims to be is the deity falls anger, must offer a sacrifice to the prince Flick south offers only then may subside the famine.

一天他正在江畔行吟,遇到一个打渔的隐者,隐者见他面色憔悴形容枯槁,就劝他“不要拘泥”、“随和一些”,和权贵们同流合污。One day he is Singing River, encountered a fishing hermit, hermit to see him looking haggard haggard, advised him "Do not rigidly stick to", "easy-going number", and the bigwigs were in cahoots.