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混合了樱桃,可可粉,多香果粉及薄荷的香味。The final blend has aromas of Bing cherries, cocoa, cedar, allspice and mint.

哪一种波多黎各朗姆酒含有丁香和肉桂的味道?。This Puerto Rican rum is flavored with a blend of clove, allspice and cinnamon.

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多香果粉是一种小型常绿树-多香果辣椒-上的浆果干碾磨而成。Allspice is the dried, unripened fruit of a small evergreen tree, the Pimenta Dioica.

西班牙甘椒被称作多香果是因为它常被建议与丁香,肉豆蔻,肉桂混合。Pimento is called Allspice because its flavor suggests a blend of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.

浓郁的黑树莓、李子的芬芳与雪松、多香果及一丝香草气息交织融合。Intense black raspberry and plum aromatics are threaded with cedar, allspice and a touch of vanilla.

大多数多香果产于牙买加,但也有另外的来源,包括危地马拉,洪都拉斯和墨西哥。Most Allspice is produced in Jamaica, but alternative sources include Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.

此酒散发出洋李和黑莓的醇熟芳香,伴有淡淡的橡木香及些许肉桂与多香果的芬芳。Dark ripe fruit aromas of plum and blackberry. Integrated subtle oak flavors, yielding a hint of cinnamon and allspice.

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在历史上,牙买加多香果被认为是最好的,因为它富含油份,有更好的外观和风味。Historically, Jamaican Allspice has been considered superior because of its higher oil content, better appearance and flavor.

他身上散发着多香果的味道,有点秃顶,只有头顶边缘长着稀疏而有光泽的白头发。He smelled like Allspice. The top of his head was shiny and bald with a pure white fringe of abundant shiny hair around the sides of his head.

酒评酒体平衡,口感浓郁且集中,入口柔顺,有着黑霉、多香果、甘草和香子兰的混合香气,回味无穷。Tastint Note Well balanced, supple and rich, with a mouth-filling center, this award winner is redolent of blackberries, allspice , licorice and vanilla.

呈紫红色,这款仙粉黛散发出覆盆子和草莓等红色水果的香气及淡淡的黑胡椒和多香果的气息。Garnet red in color, this Zinfandel expresses the forward red fruit profile of raspberry and boysenberry followed by nuances of black pepper, and allspice.