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真没想到你认识他!Fancy you knowing him!

她露出会意的微笑。She gave a knowing smile.

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他对我使眼色,表示他懂。He gave me a knowing wink.

知道是成功的一半。Knowing is half the battle.

汤姆对我使眼色,表示他懂。Tom gave me a knowing wink.

认识你,我一生无憾!I have no regret knowing you!

而了解他则像酣饮佳酿。Knowing him was like drinking it.

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但我知道路径延绵无尽头。Yet knowing how way leads to way.

知道自己一切都安好。Knowing that all is well within me.

也不知他这招打哪里学到的,特灵!Knowing that where to learn, trane!

不知秋思落谁家。No knowing who think of his family.

男孩随即露出了会心的微笑。The son then gives a knowing smile.

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我明白自己天生失聪因为某种原因,明白这是一种重要的启示。Knowing this was a major revelation.

但我知道路径延绵没有尽头。Yet knowing how way leads on to way.

有时候、明知没路了。Sometimes, not knowing the road, and.

我是线,却不曾有针从我这里过。Knowing me never made anyone a needle.

据知他是一个伪君子。According to knowing he is a hypocrite.

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记着命运之神会在半路上迎接你Knowing that life will meet you halfway

我总是后知后觉。I feel after knowing after being always.

由于不认路我们迷路了。We got lost through not knowing the way.