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其中就有埃诺德.克莱因,他住在贝佛莉山庄时的皮肤病医生。One was Arnold Klein, his Beverly Hills dermatologist.

如果发现突然性的秃发,请去找皮肤科医生。If you find a sudden bald spot, see your dermatologist.

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如果发现突然性的秃发,请去找皮肤科医生。If the detection is suddenly sexual bald-headed, please seek dermatologist.

我的美容医师看上去像一位超级模特-----她诱惑性地描述趾真菌。My dermatologist looks like a supermodel — she would be seductive describing toe fungus.

我们报告一个全身性红皮症合并眼科并发症的病人。We report a case with the clinical diagnosis of generalized erythroderma by dermatologist.

天然雨林甘油肥皂显然是低过敏,皮肤科医生推荐。Clearly Natural Rainforest Glycerin Bar Soap is hypo-allergenic and dermatologist recommended.

“而且,”我的美容医师诱惑道,“化妆好处多多呀。"Plus, " my dermatologist says seductively, "there will be sizeable cosmetic benefits, as well.

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城野医生是众多的上市企业中唯一一位现任皮肤科医生兼企业经营者。The doctor was wild city many listed companies in the current dermatologist and business operators.

如果发现你皮肤上有任何变化,如肿瘤或流血,要马上看皮肤科医生。If you notice any changes in your skin, such as growths or bleeding, consult a dermatologist right away.

我记得我的皮肤病医师曾推荐我用这种产品来祛除脸上的暗斑。I remember being recommended this product by my dermatologist to get rid of a really dark spot on my face.

皮肤科专家和过敏性测试,并与澳大利西亚湿疹协会支持下开发的,Dr。Dermatologist and allergy tested and developed with the support of the Eczema Association of Australasia, Dr.

如果你发现了这四条中任何让你担心的地方,那就赶紧联系皮肤科医生。If you find cause for concern under any of these letters, look in the phone book under "D" for dermatologist.

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如果你的青春痘很严重,你的私人医生很可能会让你咨询皮肤科专家。If you have a severe problem with acne, your regular doctor can most likely refer you to a good dermatologist.

我感到有必要向她们解释一下,为什么我要躲在阴凉里,其中一位女孩告诉我她是皮肤科医生。I feel compelled to explain why I'm skulking in the shade and one of them discloses that she's a dermatologist.

临床证明,它是温和的,以作为一种低过敏性的眼睛,皮肤和过敏测试洗发水可以。Clinically proven, it is as gentle to eyes as a hypoallergenic, dermatologist and allergy tested shampoo can be.

“我们要确信你的皮肤没有油脂、污垢或污垢安乐窝,”我的美容医师诱惑性地解释道。"We want to make sure your epidermis is free of any oils, dirt or comfort, " my dermatologist explains seductively.

威斯特米德儿童医院的皮肤科医生安妮·奥尼尔说,宝宝到了开始会爬的阶段才会容易变成小脏孩。Anne O'Neill, a dermatologist at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, said babies did not get dirty until they began crawling.

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如果你有患皮肤癌的危险,尤其是有这种病的家族遗传史,一定要去咨询皮肤科医生。If you have any risk factors for skin cancer — especially a family history of the disease — be sure to consult a dermatologist.

默里说杰克逊从来不与他说他还在找其他的医生。其中就有埃诺德.克莱因,他住在贝佛莉山庄时的皮肤病医生。Murray said Jackson kept him in the dark about other doctors he was seeing. One was Arnold Klein, his Beverly Hills dermatologist.

比如医院不可能雇佣一个有十年从医经验的内科医生来坐镇急诊室。For example, a hospital emergency room is unlikely to hire a physician who has ten years of experience as a board-certified dermatologist.