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“散步道路,我们对发射是主要的,你复印吗”?Alameda , we are prime for launch, do you copy?

这个系统帮助我们在阿拉米达县与贫穷作斗争。This system is helping us in our fight against poverty in Alameda County.

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当政府决定禁止在阿拉米达主干道上抗议后,这将解决纠纷的任何可能性都没有了。Any chance that this would settle the dispute was scotched when the government decided to ban protests in the Alameda.

她见到舵手的神情坚硬的和怀敌意的定罪-他将会在散步道路和他们站步哨而且什么也不让经过。She saw the helmsman's look of solid and hostile conviction- he would stand sentry with them at Alameda and let nothing get by.

她见到舵手的神情坚硬的和怀敌意的定罪-他将会在散步道路和他们站步哨而且什麽也不让经过。She saw the helmsman's look of solid and hostile conviction- he would stand sentry with them at Alameda and let nothing get by.

在李的牵头下,他们攥写了正式的特许申请,于八月份提交至阿拉米达县议会。Lee got the group focused on writing the formal legal charter that they submitted in August to win approval from Alameda County.

以前我会经常去海湾地地区的跳蚤市场,在我那收集到了很多喜欢的东西。这些也是我怀念住在圣弗朗西斯科的日子的一部分。I used to go to the Alameda flea market in the Bay Area regularly and that is where I found some of the first pieces in my collection.

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去年在丹麦哥本哈根,我在演讲的开场白引用了矗立在洛杉矶阿拉米达街历史悠久的联合车站外的日晷上的一句话。Last year in Copenhagen, Denmark, I began a speech by quoting from the sundial that stands outside Union Station by Alameda Street in Los Angeles, a historic part of that city.

美国加利福尼亚州阿拉米达县高等法院日前批准一项对之前的化妆品铅含量限值和解裁决的修订。The Superior Court of the County of Alameda in California has ordered to grant the modification of a previous consent judgment pertaining to the lead limits of cosmetic products.

周二黎明前,警长的副手就已经进驻,以驱逐这块14英亩土地上的农民,这块位在林荫散步街和长堤大道之间,整篇工业带中罕见的一块绿地。Sheriff's deputies moved in before dawn Tuesday to evict the farmers from the 14-acre plot, a rare swath of green in the otherwise industrial belt between Alameda Street and Long Beach Avenue.