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别站在风口上,小心着凉。The giantess stands on her tiny island.

小女巨人引导柏林,德国在周日,2009年10月4日。Little Giantess walks through Berlin, Germany on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009.

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在勃兰登堡门的前面在柏林小女巨人,星期日,2009年10月4日。The Little Giantess in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009.

一份关于女巨人的小女孩在柏林手臂上周五乘坐简单,2009年10月2日。A girl briefly rides on the arm of the Little Giantess in Berlin on Friday, Oct. 2, 2009.

小女巨人是在其中一个红色市政厅前她在2009年10月2日的第一步。The Little Giantess takes her first steps in front of the Rotes Rathaus on October 2, 2009.

周围的观众人群在柏林举行的小女巨人在2009年10月2日在倍倍尔广场。Crowds of spectators surround the Little Giantess at Bebelplatz in Berlin on October 2, 2009.

对小女巨人的脚可以看到在红色市政厅门前2009年10月2日。The feet of the Little Giantess can be seen in front of the Rotes Rathaus on October 2, 2009.

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小女巨人和大巨人透过柏林走向的2009年10月4日乘船途中等候。The Little Giantess and the Big Giant make their way through Berlin toward a waiting boat on October 4, 2009.

重新统一的大巨人和小女巨人休息,他们离开于2009年10月4日的柏林。A reunited but exhausted Big Giant and the Little Giantess rest as they are depart Berlin on a boat on October 4, 2009.

薇丝朋为苏珊墨菲这个角色配音,她在结婚当天被一颗陨石击中,变成了女巨人。Witherspoon voices a character named Susan Murphy, who on her wedding day is waylaid by a meteorite and turned into a giantess.

大巨人开始了他的侄女,他通过柏林搜索,在一个街头小女巨人戏剧表演于2009年10月3日。The Big Giant begins his search through Berlin for his niece, the Little Giantess during a street theatre performance on October 3, 2009.

大巨人和他的侄女,小女巨人共享一个拥抱,因为他们再次团聚在柏林的勃兰登堡门前,于2009年10月3日。The Big Giant and his niece, the Little Giantess share an embrace as they are reunited once again, in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on October 3, 2009.