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因为他们彼此之间从不信任。That why we never trust any commie.

你说的很对,我们的想法其实不矛盾的。So are you telling me you are a commie now?

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最终,共产中国政府把它写进官方文件里了。Finally, commie china government puts it in the public paper.

我希望你不要重复那些你的国家告诉你的那些垃圾。I hope your not repeating the same crap your commie govt is telling you.

越快击败中国就越好。中国在污染全世界,造成了气候变化。Sooner Commie China is defeated the better. China is POLLUTING THE WORLD and causing MAJOR CLIMATE CHANGE.

美国总统是地狱就成为社会主义之一,假装扭曲了美国的资本主义制度弯曲。The American president is hell-bent on turning the USA capitalist system into one of socialism with a commie twist.

我好奇的是那些拥有悍马的人对他们心爱的生活方式品牌现在被“红色共产中国”拥有会有什么反映。I wonder how such Hummer drivers would react to the fact that their beloved lifestyle brand is now under a "Red Commie Chinese" firm.

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好!首先你们菲律宾必须有钱。我们不在乎你是哪个阵营,是共产社会主义的还是民主自由的。钱才是第一位的。Good! ! First you must have money Filipenis. We don't care whether you are a commie socialist or democratic. Money is above all Filipenis!

物以类聚嘛,由于我们的党派之争带来了我们的衰落,以至现在他们要接管我们,这应该是一个无法扭转的趋势。Birds of a feather stick together. While we are screwing around with partisan bickering they will take over. That has been the Commie agenda forever.

我曾在那泥沼内服役,那笨蛋计划拖住我们,明白简单的让它脱离我们的掌握,克林顿已经给了他们大农场。I served in that quagmire and by god this dipshit plan sucks plain and simple keep these commie bastards out of our business clinton already gave them the ranch.

中国将会侵略并征服西伯利亚,俄罗斯会因他不断消亡的人口完蛋,我不会告诉你们任何事实的,因为想知道事实的都是龌龊的GCD员。Chinese will invade siberia and conquer it. Russia is doomed with its dying population. I will not provide any facts because anybody who wants to see facts is a dirty commie.