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清秋烟雨,情满九州。A misty rain, feeling full of kyushu.

别府大学位于日本九州岛大分县。Beppu University located in Ooita of Kyushu in Japan.

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玉兔闹春,锣鼓齐鸣,九州欢腾,又一个春天到了!Moon make spring, drum uproarious, kyushu exult, and a spring!

最近,一位名叫友吉中元寺的九州岛老人被列为世界上最长寿的男人。Recently, another Kyushu resident was hailed as the world's oldest man.

四国和九州名列日本四大岛屿之中。Shikoku and Kyushu are the other two of the four major islands of Japan.

冬季日本九州西侧海域存在一个半封闭的涡旋。Kuroshio intrusion engenders an eddy at the west of Kyushu Island of Japan.

1187年,赖朝任命他的儿子-忠久,作为九州南部大名。In 1187, Yoritomo appointed his son, Tadahisa, as military governor of southern Kyushu.

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1998年在日本九州大学获工学博士学位。Xuan Qiwu received a doctor degree in Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan, in 1998.

长城黄河兵马俑,九州绚丽心意舒。Great Wall, terracotta warriors and horses of the Yellow River, Kyushu brilliant mind Shu.

峰峦叠嶂此处风景独好,辉映九州兄弟勠力同心。Mountainous overlapping scenery here alone good, reflect kyushu brothers concentric force.

日本由北海道、本州、四国和九州等6800个岛屿组成。Japan , or Nippon, is made up of 6, 800 islands including Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku , and Kyushu.

旋转着的地球又将那轮皎洁的月亮悬挂在天空中,照耀着一条在九州以外冲破恶浪前进的低矮的黑色舰艇。The turning earth brings the same bright moon over a low black vessel cutting through rough waters off kyushu.

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百岁老人主要集中在日本南部的冲绳岛、四国岛和九州岛等地区。Japan's southern regions of Okinawa, Shikoku, and Kyushu are home to the highest concentrations of centenarians.

我们将尽我们所能来抵御外国侵略和日本九州,并确保其人民的自由。We shall do all we can to defend Kyushu and Japan from foreign aggression and to ensure the liberty of her people.

宾夕法尼亚州的莫奈尔中心与日本的九州大学合作研究出一种叫内源性大麻素的化合物。The Monell Center in Pennsylvania partnered with Kyushu University in Japan to study compounds called endocannabinoids.

西南岛九州虽然受核辐射影响非常小,但其游客的数量也是显著下降。Southwest island Kyushu while less exposed to the nuclear radiation still saw a precipitous drop in the number of visitors.

1992年赴日本研修风湿病并讲授中医治疗风湿病半年。She has gone to the Kyushu University, Japan in 1992 for Rheumatological research and teaching traditional Chinese Medicine.

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随后数天,它大致趋向九州。彩蝶于九月六日在鹿儿岛附近登陆后转向东北移动。Nabi then tracked in the general direction towards kyushu in the next few days . it made landfall near kagoshima on 6 september.

西太平洋的一片海域,沿岸为中国、韩国、琉球群岛和九州岛所包围,此区鱼资源丰富。An arm of the western Pacific Ocean bounded by China, South Korea, and the Ryukyu and Kyushu islands. It has rich fishing grounds.

九州大地在不可想象的漫长岁月中,经历了无数场人、妖、魔、神的混战,蕴藏着非同一般的危险。Kyushu earth unthinkable long years, has experienced innumerable people, demons, magic, God, melee, hold the extraordinary danger.