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但我希望皮尔斯·摩根能离开。I do want Piers Morgan gone.

摩根微服私访。P. Morgan traveling incognito.

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正如摩根或许会说的那样。Just what Morgan would have said.

摩根是这家俱乐部的共同拥有人。Morgan was a co-owner of the club.

2005年,摩根.费列文和杰米.霍尔斯Morgan Freeman and Jamie Foxx, 2005

是否她和NBC现在应该开除摩根呢?Should she and NBC now fire Morgan?

现在摩根在这场游戏中下了很大的赌注。Now, Morgan has a big stake in this game.

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在顶部漂浮1盎司五香摩根船长朗姆酒。Float 1oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum on top.

瑞银与摩根史坦利拒绝评论。UBS and Morgan Stanley declined to comment.

“这一切都是关于感觉,”摩根说。"It's all about the feeling, " Morgan says.

中金和摩根士丹利拒绝发表评论。CICC and Morgan Stanley declined to comment.

摩根则沉醉于极限滑板运动。Morgan is involved in extreme skateboarding.

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摩根信托银行发生一起抢劫案。There was a holdup at the Morgan Trust Bank.

摩根大通发言人拒绝就此置评。A J. P. Morgan spokesman declined to comment.

摩根银行是坚持到最后的。And the Morgan bank was the last to hold out.

摩根士丹利经济学家贝尔纳就是其中的一位。Among them isRichard Berner of Morgan Stanley.

摩根范佛里特在布恩斯伯勒是高三。Morgan Van Fleet is a senior at Boonsboro High.

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金德摩根将收购埃尔帕索公司。Kinder Morgan agreed to buy El Paso Corporation.

摩根趴在地上,吓得直发抖。Morgan fell to the ground , trembling with fear.

摩根士丹利是一只正在变形的毛毛虫。Morgan Stanley is a caterpillar in metamorphosis.