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我可以要一张收据吗?May I have a receipt?

我可以要张收据吗?。May I have a receipt ?

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交过了,这是收据。Yes, here's the receipt.

这是您的找零和收据。Here's your change and receipt.

给你发票和找头。Here's your receipt and change.

有收据和存根。There are the receipt and stub.

明白,那是一张收款的字据。Yes, it is a receipt for money.

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这是找头和收据。Here is your change and receipt.

这是你的收据和找头。Here is your receipt and change.

我借觉得这只是一张收条罢了。I thought it was just a receipt.

他们不必寄给我收条。They need not send me a receipt.

办什么事都要拿收据。And get a receipt for everything.

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来函我们已收到。We are in receipt of your letter.

本会将寄回捐款收据。NFF of PRC. will send the receipt.

请给我一张临时的收据。Please give me an interim receipt.

把发货清单订到发票上。Staple the invoice to the receipt.

这是找头和收据。Here is the change and the receipt.

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我给您开一张收条。I will write out a receipt for you.

收您XX元,请问需要发票吗?XX yuan,please. Do you need receipt?

这是您的零头和收条。Here is your change and your receipt.