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目标是彻底戒绝所有致幻物质。The goal is complete abstention from all mind-altering substances.

在华盛顿,欧洲事务司主张弃权。In Washington the Bureau of European Affairs recommended abstention.

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第一节课就这样了,但以后可不行Okay, we'll allow some abstention in the first day but not beyond today.

决议草案第17段以172票赞成、2票反对、1票弃权、获得保留。Operative paragraph 17 was retained by 172 votes to 2, with 1 abstention.

斯考克罗夫特会见迪尼茨,向上通报苏联关于联合弃权的建议。Scowcroft met with Dinitz to brief him on the Soviet proposal for a joint abstention.

欧盟议会农业委员会以30票对1票、1票弃权通过该决议。决议还有待全议会通过。The resolution passed 30-1 with one abstention and awaits approval by the full Parliament.

但在不饮酒比率较高的国家中,饮酒者消费酒精的水平很高。But those who do drink in countries with high abstention rates consume alcohol at high levels.

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再者,所有的这些与戒酒者相关的因素均显着预测死亡率。Moreover , all of these factors that were associated with abstention significantly predicted mortality.

但他所谓,或我所谓,疏离政治的,人生策略为何?But what does he mean by or what do I mean by referring to his policies of abstention ? from political life?

据报道以色列内阁以24-0投票通过停火决议,有一人缺席。The Associated Press reported that the Cabinet vote was 24-0 in favor of the resolution, with one abstention.

如届时未出席祟不委托他人出席,则作为弃权。In case the director neither attends nor entrusts others to attend the meeting, he will be regarded as abstention.

当天,意大利议院以308票赞成、1票弃权的结果通过了2010年度政府财政报告。The day, Italy House with 308 votes in favor, 1 abstention resulted in the adoption of the 2010 fiscal year report.

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欧洲议会议员、法国的弗朗西斯。伍茨说,法国选民弃权表现出他们对欧盟缺乏信心。EU lawmaker Francis Wurtz of France says the rate of voter abstention showed lack of confidence in the European Union.

莫斯科在利比亚问题上的弃权票,在俄国政坛产生了意想不到的影响。Moscow’s abstention over the UN resolution on Libya has already had an unexpected effect on the Russian political scene.

当一个人不再贪婪时,他就会认识其生存的过去、现在和将来。When a man becomes steadfast in his abstention form greed, he gains knowledge of his past, present and future existences.

不饮酒的比率在高收入和高消费的国家中较低,在北非和南亚各国较高。Abstention rates are low in high-income, high consumption countries, and higher in North African and South Asian countries.

这个修复包括拒绝宣誓及死刑和弃权的行使裁判法院提堂。This restoration included the rejection of oaths and capital punishment and the abstention from the exercise of magistracy.

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美国大使沃尔夫明确表示,美国弃权跟联合国非盟维和部队无关,是为了巴希尔的豁免权问题。U.S. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff made clear that the American abstention was not related to UNAMID, but to the issue of impunity.

她还对去年巴西在联合国就制裁伊朗践踏妇女权益的议题投弃权票表示异议。Rousseff has said she disagreed with Brazil's abstention in a U. N. vote last year condemning Iranian rights abuses, which focused on atrocities against women.