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在肉酱和面条上撒些初榨橄榄油。A touch extra virgin olive oil around Bolognese and pasta.

我们都很喜欢她和她做的意大利牛肉面。We all loved her – both for herself alone and for her spaghetti bolognese.

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那令人难以忘怀的千层面里夹着的番茄酱汁和融化了的芝士。Bolognese tomato sauce and meltingly tender cheese in the unforgettable Lasage.

配搭肉酱意大利面条或辣味里脊猪肉。This wine is best paired with Pasta Bolognese or spicy pork tenderloin with wilted arugula.

在为期一周的课程中,你将学会如何做开胃小菜、意大利调味饭与肉酱面。During the week-long 4course, you'll learn how to make antipasti, risotto and Ragu Bolognese.

红肉类,芝士,烤肉,肉酱意面,烤火腿,法式熟食,羊肉,香肠,家禽。Red Meat, aged cheese, bbq meat, Bolognese pasta, braised ham, charcuterie, lamb, sausages, poultry.

在许多早期的Carraccis博洛尼亚工程,这是很难区分每一个人的贡献。In many early Bolognese works by the Carraccis, it is difficult to distinguish the individual contributions made by each.

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自从我找到了如何制作新鲜面条,在我的波隆纳肉酱做好之前我足足等待了12小时。Once I figured out how to make fresh pasta, I waited all of 12 hours before I set out to create my own Ragù alla Bolognese.

他说,“我喜欢调制肉酱,常常陶醉于细剁洋葱、胡萝卜和肉,以及慢炖的过程。I can lose myself making a Bolognese sauce, finely chopping the onions, the carrots, three kinds of meat, and the slow, slow simmering.

进一步的调查发现,冷冻包装牛肉千层面、意大利番茄牛肉面以及肉丸中均含有马肉。经追查这些马肉来自欧洲的几家屠宰场。Further investigations revealed horsemeat was also in frozen packaged beef lasagna and spaghetti bolognese as well as meatballs. The meat has been traced to European abattoirs.

经过一轮成功的测试后在面条面铺上一点黄油和奶酪,我决定我已经准备好拿出几本书要弄清楚如何制作出自己的波隆纳肉酱。After one successful test round making tagliatelle topped with a little butter and cheese , I decided I was ready and pulled out a few books to figure out how to make my own Ragù alla Bolognese.