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在达喀尔塞内加尔的这里稍微热地挖掘。Mine a little hot over here in Dakar Senegal.

塞内加尔表示将于星期一把哈布雷引渡回乍得。Senegal says it will extradite Habre on Monday.

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根据塞内加尔的情况修订世卫组织的IMAI指南以在塞内加尔使用。Customizing WHO’s IMAI guidelines for use in Senegal.

哈迪是来自塞内加尔的一家工厂的技术总监。Hadi from Senegal is a technical director of a factory.

克林顿参观戈雷岛之后,塞内加尔迎来旅游高峰。Senegal got the break when Clinton visited Goree Island.

弗兰克范登布鲁克已经死亡,而在塞内加尔度假。Frank Vandenbroucke has died while on holiday in Senegal.

迪乌夫博士于1938年8月1日出生在塞内加尔圣路易。Dr Diouf was born on August 1, 1938 in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

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艾夫拉是法国人,但是他其实来自塞内加尔。Evra is a French international, but he is actually from Senegal.

今天怎么样?。我是这里有点冷在塞内加尔的达喀尔。How was your day?. My was little cold over here in Dakar Senegal.

在达卡,塞纳噶尔,商人缔尔每天早上都会购买面包。In Dakar, Senegal , businessman Aliou Dia buys bread every morning.

佛伊与科贝林斯基2008年到塞内加尔研究疟疾。Foy and Kobylinski travelled to Senegal in 2008 to research malaria.

在塞内加尔,组织者正在达喀尔举行为期四天的电影节。In Senegal , organizers put together a four-day film festival in Dakar.

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为什么同样是被法国统治,象牙海岸位于第十位,而塞内加尔则排在第八十五名。Why is Ivory Coast 10 and Senegal 85, when both were under French rule?

迪奥夫需为塞内加尔国家队出战非洲国家杯赛事,无法上阵。El-Hadji Diouf is also missing on African Nations Cup duty with Senegal.

目前据报道塞内加尔的后卫迪亚基夏特将是温格的目标。Senegal defender Pape Diakhate has been reported as a target for Wenger.

该病例的实验室确认是在塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所完成的。The case was laboratory-confirmed by the Pasteur Institute in Dakar, Senegal.

来自塞内加尔的穆萨,面庞黝黑、两眼有神。Moussa from Senegal is a young man with a darkened face and bright piercing eyes.

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我已经和米兰签署了初步协议,现在我可以去塞内加尔享受我的假期了。I have signed my pre-contract with Milan and now I am going on holiday to Senegal.

塞内加尔已经决定将装满尸体的乘船拖至其自己海域。Senegal has decided to tow the corpse-laden MS Joola to its own territorial waters.

塞内加尔南部卡萨芒斯地区1982年以来一直处于动乱状态。The southern Casamance region of Senegal since 1982, has been in a state of turmoil.