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文胜见杜思曼食言对她更加怀恨。WenSheng see DuSiMan renege on her more grudge.

有些公司,比如航运巨头中国远洋运输公司厚颜无耻地试图毁约。Some, like Cosco, a shipping giant, have brazenly tried to renege on contracts.

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但如果美国背弃了原来自由贸易领导者的形象,世界贸易体系将会遇到更大的困难。The trading system will have much more trouble if the United States starts to renege on its traditional leadership role.

首先,历史告诉我们,共和党一有机会就会单方面背弃任何协定。For one thing history tells us that the Republican Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.

但多数人担心雇主会拒绝这些义务,而中国的松懈的监管系统会让他们钻空子。But most workers fear employers would renege on these obligations, and that China's shoddy regulatory system would let them get away with it.

所以,大宗财务交易通常是以握手而达成的,任何一方都认为即使未来事态发展变得糟糕,其他合作伙伴也不会背信弃义地违背已达成的协议。Thus huge financial dealsare regularly completed on a handshake, and each side knows that the other willnot renege later if things turn sour.

比如,要是允许房主宣告破产、对房贷违约,会促使银行修改更多房贷的条款,从而打击那些脆弱的银行。Allowing homeowners, for instance, to renege on mortgage debts in bankruptcy would have pushed banks to modify more loans, but weakened fragile banks.

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政府是要强行、大力削减开支,提高税收,但是,它也得大大毁约这些退休保障。Yes, the government will have to impose drastic spending cuts and tax increases, but it will also have to massively renege on those retirement promises.

结果,银行业的结构严重削弱,而1814年的银行挤兑迫使大多数银行背弃自己的法定义务,拒绝将银行券兑换成金银。As a result, the structure of banking was seriously weakened, and in 1814 a run on banks forced most to renege on their legal obligations to exchange notes for specie.

在对方报价之后,三方一致行动,当有一方反悔,反悔方必须承担相应损失。After opposite party quotes price, tripartite concerted action, when has a side to renege on a promise, reneges on a promise the side to undertake the corresponding loss.

中国大豆压榨商受到指责称它们一直在使用“杀真菌剂”问题作为拒绝履行高价合同的手段有关拒收货物的争论因而被复杂化。The dispute over the rejected cargoes has been complicated by charges that chinese soybean crushers have been using the fungicide issue as a way to renege on high-priced contracts.

在对方报价之后,三方一致行动,当有一方反悔,反悔方必须承担差价补偿。After opposite party quotes price, tripartite concerted action, when has a side to renege on a promise, reneges on a promise the side to undertake the price difference compensation.

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如果如民调显示那样,Syriza党在6月17日希腊新一轮大选获胜,并就援助协议违约的话,则外界将停止对求助基金的支持。If in fresh elections on June 17th the objectors have a majority, as the polls suggest, and if they renege on Greece's bail-out deal, then the world will cut off the supply of rescue funds.