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我并无恶意。And I'm not hostile.

这是敌占区。This is a hostile territory.

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马力对他们很有敌意。Horsepower was hostile to them.

为敌对势力包围。To surround with hostile forces.

我们做了什么敌对行动?What did we do that was hostile?

找到敌对城市特洛阿斯。Locate the hostile city of Troas.

为什么两个朝鲜竟会如此敌视?Why are the two Koreas so hostile?

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不要带着仇视的眼光来看哟。Do not take hostile point of view yo.

事实上,他们可能会是公开敌对的。In fact, they might be openly hostile.

新政府对他们怀有敌意。The new government was hostile to them.

半途会遇到怀有敌意的部落。There were hostile tribes along the way.

他们对我们怀有敌意。They have hostile sentiments towards us.

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我舰认为这是敌对行为。We consider this to be a hostile action.

他们感到对于自己事事都是敌对的,可疑的。For them everything is hostile and suspicious.

希望他们能克制不采取敌对行动。Let's hop they will refrain from hostile action.

她发现他对自己的态度明显怀有敌意。She found his attitude to her obviously hostile.

他们怀有敌意的表情,显示出我不受欢迎。Their hostile looks showed that I was unwelcome.

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一般来说,宇宙对人是不友好的。Generally speaking,the universe is hostile to man.

它既不触犯我们,我们也不认为它怀有敌意。It neither offends us, nor can we deem it hostile.

打倒西方反华敌对势力!Overthrows the Western anti-Chinese hostile forces!