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油毡瓦市场有希望吗?。Is there hope for the shingle market?

用优质木瓦盖的屋顶是一种经久耐用的屋顶。A good shingle roof is a most durable type of roof.

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阳光下,他坐在屋瓦上轻声地叹气。She sighed slightly as she sat on shingle in the sunshine.

5接着他刨去泥土,下面露出一块松木瓦块。Then he scraped away the dirt, and exposed a pine shingle.

就连树叶、砖瓦、小石子和草叶子都被冲刷得那么干净,熠熠生辉。Even leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining.

每片树叶,每块砖瓦乃至一叶小草,都被洗刷一新,闪闪发光。Every leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining.

他踩着河滩地上的卵石和硬石,不动声色地压制着心头的怒火。Tramping over the shingle and larger rocks on the beach, he secretly stifled his anger.

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为了配合曲线轮廓,必须切削每块木瓦,这减慢了我的进度。Having to custom cut each shingle to match the contour of the curves slowed my progress.

玻璃纤维的另一个重要因素是它保证了玻纤瓦的机械拉力。The fibreglass is also important because it gives the mechanical resistance to the shingle.

阿卡玛斯半岛的美丽景色令人叹为观止——绝壁、峡谷、丛林、遍布鹅卵石的小海湾和小岛。The peninsula is breathtaking, with its cliffs, gorges, woods, shingle coves and tiny islands.

中国港湾建设集团正式挂牌成立已经两年多了。Group of Chinese harbour construction hangs out his shingle formally hold water already two years many.

至此,该酒店成为三亚第12家正式挂牌的五星级酒店。So far, this hotel is become 3 inferior hotel of the 12nd 5 stars class that hangs out his shingle formally.

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我喜欢做和人打交道的工作,于是我又去搞了张房产经纪人的执照,并建了个小办公室开始做房产交易。I always liked working with people, so I also got a Real Estate Broker license and set out my shingle doing that.

文章对砂砾填筑路基的设计方案及施工工艺进行了研究、探讨。This paper researches and discusses the design project and construction process of filling sub-grade with shingle.

然而港湾里静悄悄的,他直驶到岩石下一小片卵石滩前。没人来帮他的忙,他只好尽自己的力量把船划得紧靠岸边。It was quiet in the harbour though and he sailed up onto the little patch of shingle bel ow the boat up as far as he could.

然而如果你觉得这是本世纪最幸运的一天,那就去结婚,或者开爿新生意。But if you think it's the luckiest day of the century, go out and tie the knot, or hang out the shingle on your new business.

事实是有许多人都选择独自创业当他们的同龄朋友都开始享受生活。The upshot is that many people elect to hang up a new business shingle when friends their age are settling down to a life of leisure.

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不同于以往的正方形或者矩形,这些键有着圆弧形的边缘,使它们看起来像是牙齿或者瓦片。Rather than being perfectly square or rectangular, the keys have one rounded, curved side, giving them the look of a tooth or roof shingle.

依靠供应商之一,也可以找到选择的方包层或窗檐篷,可作为反对标准屋面瓦板。Depending on the supplier , one may also find the option of side-cladding or window canopies available as opposed to standard roof shingle panels.

壳灰岩-由多种构造不同的沙岩组成的土壤。在阿尔萨斯常见有泥灰、白云石和小圆石,源于中三叠纪。Soil type consisting of various compositions of sandstone, marl, dolomite, and shingle common in Alsace dating back from the Middle Triassic period.