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什么是霍乱?What is cholera?

霍乱是加尔各答的流行病。Cholera is endemic in Kolkota.

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霍乱是可以预防和治愈的。Cholera can be prevented and cured.

你打霍乱预防针了吗?。Have you HAD your cholera jabs yet?

你打过霍乱预防针吗?。Have you have your cholera jab yet?

海地死于霍乱的人数上升至917。Cholera death toll in Haiti hits 917.

霍乱和斑疹伤寒都时常发生。Cholera and typhus outbreaks are common.

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霍乱的爆发已被遏制住。The cholera outbreak has been contained.

那些小孩接受了霍乱预防注射。The children were vaccinated against cholera.

到目前为止,霍乱爆发造成39人死亡。A cholera outbreak there has so far killed 39.

人们开始对霍乱感到惊恐起来。People began to feel alarmed about the cholera.

至今海地已有796人死于霍乱。So far 796 people have died of cholera in Haiti.

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几个霍乱病例已经见诸报端。Some cases of cholera have already been reported.

蝇类携带霍乱孤菌检测结果全部为阴性。All samples of cholera pathogen were tested negative.

几内亚比绍经常流行霍乱疫情。Cholera epidemics regularly resurge in Guinea-Bissau.

艾伯特,施韦策用大蒜治疗霍乱和斑疹伤寒。Albert Schweitzer used it to treat cholera and typhus.

在许多国家,霍乱仍然是一种经常存在的危险。Cholera remains an ever-present risk in many countries.

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霍乱已夺去了该城许多孩子的生命。The cholera has been killing off many children in the town.

2005至2006年期间,共有25111人罹患霍乱,其中399人死亡。In 2005-2006, cholera affected 25 111 people and killed 399.

世卫组织深切关注海地的霍乱疫情。WHO is deeply concerned about the cholera outbreak in Haiti.