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我是阿尔法,我是哦梅戛。I am Alpha and Omega.

这一项是α点的化学势。Here it is at point alpha.

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阿尔法打破左布拉沃我吧!Alpha break left Bravo on me!

任何狼都可以成为领头狼。Any wolf can become an alpha.

这里α还是优于β的So Alpha dominates Beta here.

我选α优于选β吗Does my Alpha dominate my Beta?

卢瑟福用的是阿尔法粒子。Rutherford used alpha particles.

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阿尔法男性的日子并不轻松。It isn't easy being an alpha male.

我选α并不优于选βMy Alpha doesn't dominate my Beta.

这些在阿尔法你们可以看到。And you can see that here in Alpha.

他们为什么要这么做?,我们知道。We detected a 132 000 alpha particles.

那个帅气的头人是一个伪君子。That handsome Alpha Male is a hypocrite.

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这和阿尔法粒子类似。This is the analogy to the alpha particle.

抗锯齿文本和混合视频的象素映射Anti-aliased text and alpha blended pixmaps

让我告诉你一点点关于阿尔法常数的事。And let me tell you a little bit about alpha.

祂是阿拉法,是俄梅戛,祂是万有主宰。He is Alpha and Omega, He is the Lord of all.

这就如同凯萨.米朗所说的那样,我对狗儿有一套。As Cesar Millan would say, I am the Alpha Dog.

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lpha是截距The alpha is just the intercept of this curve.

就像我们看到的,她选α我最好选αAs we saw before, Alpha is better against Alpha.

我是阿尔法也是欧米伽,我即是开始也是结束。I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.