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它是固有的。It's fixed.

你把它修好了!You fixed it!

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固定在一巴下。Fixed at one bar.

你的车刚修好。Your car is fixed.

那场比赛的输赢事先已讲定。That game is fixed.

我让人修了表。I had my watch fixed.

我们这里是不二价的。Our prices are fixed.

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但是可以做出调整。But it could be fixed.

固定面板罩。Fixed three-panel hood.

我的车正在修理。My car is getting fixed.

那位医生治好了他的病。The doctor fixed him up.

染印时颜色被固定住,不易再褪。Color is fixed in dyeing.

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固定两个意崩溃的错误。Fixed two ICO crash bugs.

我们是不二价。Our prices are all fixed.

他没有固定职业。He has no fixed occupation.

对不起!一口价!Sorry! the price is fixed !

本来就没有固定的大纲There is no fixed syllabus.

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它们是固有的,无法改变。They are fixed. This is it.

修正了其他一些小问题。Fixed a few other misc bugs.

他校改了我写得不好的作文。He fixed my bad composition.