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密执安州是“狼獾之州”。Michigan is the Wolverine State.

密歇根州是“貂熊州”。Michigan is "The Wolverine State".

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貂熊是一中小而猛烈的动物。A wolverine is a small fierce mammal.

貂熊是一种小型,凶猛的哺乳动物。A wolverine is a small, fierce mammal.

我的岳父头上留着一些像狼豹那样的耳毛。My father-in-law has ear hair like a wolverine.

妳是月儿,而我是妳的金钢狼。I thought you were the moon and I was your wolverine.

相反,他们是最大的鼬鼠家族成员。Rather, the wolverine is the largest member of the weasel family.

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密歇根州被称为“貂熊州”。貂熊是一种小型,凶猛的哺乳动物。Michigan is the Wolverine State. A wolverine is a small, fierce mammal.

可是片刻过后,金刚狼的火力黯淡下来,它的结构已经烧毁。But a moment later, the Wolverine 's beam quit, its systemry burned out.

相对于其他和其大小相当的动物来说,狼獾身体里具有惊人的力量。Relative to other mammals its size, the wolverine does possess incredible strength.

他振起精神,感到双手汗涔涔的,金刚狼步枪在打滑。He braced himself, feeling his hands slick with perspiration on the Wolverine rifle.

像其他名副其实的超级英雄一样,狼獾拥有异常的忍耐力。And like any superhero worth his or her salt, the wolverine has exceptional endurance.

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如果任何动物能够生存在落基山地区,人们可能会认为那必定是狼獾。If any animal could survive in the Rocky Mountain West, one would think it would be the wolverine.

偶尔,狼獾会拿下体积是它五倍大的动物,比如一只鹿子或驼鹿。On occasion, a wolverine will take down an animal up to five times its size, such as a deer or moose.

因此,强悍的狼獾可能会成为气候变化的第一个牺牲品。As a result, the mighty wolverine appears to be among the first confirmed victims of a changing climate.

每当卡普路桑狼獾被阻挡时,你可以让它对目标生物或玩家造成1点伤害。Whenever Karplusan Wolverine becomes blocked, you may have it deal 1 damage to target creature or player.

费特金和罗勒都研究过众多有趣的动物,但他们都对狼獾怀有一种特别的敬畏之情。Both men have worked with all sorts of interesting critters, but hold a special reverence for the wolverine.

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不出所料,全错。神奇宇宙里最勇敢的人就是,那个给金刚狼做前列腺检查的医生了。As usual, you're all wrong. The bravest person in the Marvel Universe is the doctor who gives wolverine his prostate exam.

如今轮到金刚狼来从新连合X战警,为了人类以及变种人更夸姣更灼烁的将来而战!Now, it's up to Wolverine to reunite the X-Men and lead the way toward a better and brighter future for humans and mutants alike!

我没预见到近期会有大笔开支,除非他们发明了一种我负担得起的技术,把我的骨骼和亚德曼金属熔合在一起,就像金刚狼那样。I see no large upcoming expenditures, unless they develop an affordable technology to fuse my skeleton with Adamantium like Wolverine.