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因为我们闲置的劳动力正在遗失着他们技能。And our idled workforce is losing its skills.

我们假定我们的生产力需要高文化素养。We make the assumption that we need it workforce.

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裁员比例还不算大,不过我还没缓过神来。It's not even a large percentage of the workforce.

这一切都…一个更加骄傲的,更加忠诚的员工。It all leads to a prouder, more committed workforce.

在与卫生人员发展有关的活动中应用该框架。Applying HAF in health workforce development activities.

我们无疑希望看到航天工业的就业队伍壮大。Clearly, we would like to see the aerospace workforce grow.

它还需要有现成的制度和训练有素的劳动队伍。It also needs systems in place and a disciplined workforce.

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四分之一的埃森哲咨询公司员工在印度。For example, a quarter of Accenture’s workforce is in India.

这句话听上去低俗,可是你要把你的团队想象成一个大家庭。It may sound cheesy, but think of your workforce as a family.

MBDA股份有限公司雇用该集团全球10,000名员工中的100名。MBDA Inc employs 100 of the group's global workforce of 10,000.

整个劳动力群体并不具备合适的技能组合。The workforce as a whole does not have the right mix of skills.

自新工厂一业以来职工人数已增加了两倍。The workforce has tripled in size since the new factory opened.

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丰田已经暂停给它在英国的超过4500名员工发薪。Toyota is freezing pay for its 4, 500-strong British workforce.

曾经多情的员工貌似已经感受到了这一效果。A once-amorous workforce already seems to be feeling the effects.

人口变化是劳动力老龄化的又一原因。Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying.

劳"是人的劳动素质,是人的素质之基础。Labor refers to workforce quality. It's the basis of human quality.

而博朗已开始雇用美国工人,但只有125分作为筛选门槛。S. workforce but sets an IQ score of just 125 as a screening threshold.

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我需要你的帮助来使她从沙发里起来投入到工作中去。I need help getting her off the couch and into the workforce. -Get A Job

LA1各种聘雇类型的员工总数、聘雇契约及地区。LA1 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region.

职场生活看起来更是女同事们的天地。Life in the workforce seems especially trying for our female colleagues.