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为什么初入教的不可做监督?。Q. 3 Why recent convert is not suitable to be overseer?

杀死口水监督员在业亏损不再结果。Killing the slaver overseer no longer results in karma loss.

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你问我面对督军山克并阻止围城的事?About to face Shenk the Overseer and stop the siege, are you?

希腊语的意思是“监督者“或“负责人In Greek it basically means "an overseer" or "someone in charge."

慢慢地我开始认识到,巡察可能是正确的。Slowly I came to realize that the Overseer may have been correct.

一些监察官舰船已正确掉落战利品。Some overseer structures that are supposed to drop loot will now do so.

要是有个监管者时刻警惕,你的思维就不会被控制了。How can your thoughts be in control if there is an overseer watching them?

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祂是宇宙万物的创造者、保存者、治理者和眷顾者。He is the creator of the universe, the preserver, the ruler and the overseer.

一个美国黑人是这项工程的主要设计者,发展者和监督者。An African American man was the head designer, developer, and overseer of this project.

当他遭遇监督员Convey的时候,他给历史学家提供了关于奴隶抵抗的有趣事例。He also offers historians an interesting glimpse into slave resistance when he confronts Covey, the overseer.

你们好像羊走迷了路,如今却归到你们魂的牧人和监督了。For you were like sheep being led astray, but you have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

预见到可能发生的问题,避难所监督用他个人的终端远程锁定了避难所军火库。Foreseeing problems, the Overseer had a remote link to the armory lock installed on his terminal, denying access.

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斯尼布身兼数职,他既是宫殿建设工程的监工,又是王室戏装保管的负责人,还是主持法老胡夫葬礼和祭祀的牧师。He was the overseer of the palace dwarfs, the chief of the royal wardrobe and priest of the funerary cults of Khufu.

“两道杠”代表佩戴者是班长,“一道杠”则表示佩戴者是小队长。Two strokes indicate the wearer is a monitor of a class and one stroke indicates he or she is the overseer of a small team.

约瑟就在主人眼前蒙恩,伺候他主人,并且主人派他管理家务,把一切所有的都交在他手里。And having a high opinion of Joseph as his servant, he made him the overseer of his house and gave him control over all he had.

参议院周四的听证会之所以要加入任命一个联邦监督机构的内容,也是希望就这个问题达成协议。The challenge of getting agreement on that is why Thursday's Senate hearings were laced with talk of appointing a federal overseer.

一部分居民要求开放军火库,言称他们需要自卫的权利,但是监督一口回绝了他们的要求。A group of residents demanded access to the armory, stating their need for the right to defend themselves, which the Overseer denied.

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修正一个变形虫进入变形范围后,变形稍慢的错误。监视王虫生产后直接变形比较快。Fixed a bug where Changelings morphed slower while coming into range of enemy units than when dropped from an Overseer over enemy units.

驿站长、驿站长夫人、仆役、卖托尔若克刺绣品的农妇,都走进来向他提供帮助。The overseer and his wife, his valet, and a peasant woman with Torzhok embroidery for sale, came into the room, offering their services.

乌列尔常与代表自然、野生动物、勇气的亚列尔混淆,祂也是大地精灵的看护者。Uriel is often confused with Ariel, the Angel of nature, wild beasts, and courage, who is also credited as the overseer of the earth spirits.