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恐慌后方向改变。Panic after orientation change.

所以没有特定的曲线。There is no preferred orientation.

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我需要选择一个正方向。And I need to choose my orientation.

举办学士班新生辅导说明会。The Freshman Orientation Seminar was held.

BL如何改变你的性取向?。How does BL change your sexual orientation?

然后选择一个兼容的定向。And I have to choose a compatible orientation.

这种被称为无向方向室壁运动。Such undirected orientation is called kinesis.

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我应该怎样选择曲线的方向呢?How should I choose the orientation of my curves?

新生训练会在九月一日举行。Freshmen orientation day will be on September 1st.

这是所有新生都参加的迎新情况介绍周。This is orientation week for all the new students.

我的罗特韦尔牧犬莱斯利有同性恋的倾向。My Rottweiler Les is of the homosexual orientation.

迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.

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我提前一周就到了,然后我们就开始了新生培训。I came about a week early and we started orientation.

贵社以采用的训练技巧是什么?What orientation techniques have worked for your club?

但我们所说的服务和面向服务到底指什么?But what do we mean by services and service orientation?

拖动此形状,可添加一条大小和方向可调的弧线。Drag to add an arc with adjustable size and orientation.

具有实干精神和强烈的成功愿望。Have an action orientation and strong desire to achieve.

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牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向。Keep the orientation of advanced culture firmly in hand.

线条蕴含着运动表示位置或方向。Lines imply motion and suggest direction or orientation.

直直开直的小径使他们迷掉标的目标。The winding trail caused them to lose their orientation.