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我每天沿着一条浅的有卵石的小溪跋涉。I wade down a shallow pebbly stream daily.

这个基岩开始大量的含砾砂岩。This pedestal rock began as a mass of pebbly sandstone.

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海滩,海滨一个水域的岸,尤指在多沙或多卵石时。The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.

海浪的涌动形成了一个沙带,这使得卵石滩更加蜿蜒。The sea has left a sandy strip which snakes the length of the pebbly beach.

坡脚开挖或坡面堆载时,含碎石粘性土边坡经常发生滑坡。Landslides often develop in pebbly clay slopes as toe cutting or surface loading.

波尔图市还有一系列较平民的博物馆、廉价的老式有轨电车和迷人的卵石海滩。It also has a lot of inexpensive museums, cheap vintage trams and beautiful pebbly beaches.

科学家认为,这种现象是特定气候条件下的熔炉效应。Scientists believe the pebbly phenomenon is caused by a melting-pot of specific weather conditions.

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储层岩石类型有砾岩、含砾砂岩、中细砂岩及粉砂岩。The reservoir rocks consist of conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, medium-fine sandstone and siltstone.

它们四肢格外长,鹅卵石般坑洼的后背遍布着鲜红色、绿色、红色和紫色的突起。The toad has unusually long limbs and a pebbly back covered with bright red, green, yellow, and purple warts.

几家现代化宾馆坐落于此,布满卵石的沙滩,野草的芳香遍布山腰。It has several modern hotels pebbly and sandy beaches and hillsides richly scented with herbs growing in the wild.

中部块状砂岩和上部含砾砂岩形成于河口湾和前滨、临滨沉积环境。The middle massive sandstone and upper pebbly sandstone formed in an estuary, foreshore and nearshore environments.

一片零零落落的铁皮屋顶原来是个相当大的村庄,于是小艇靠了岸,在满是卵石的海滩上下客卸货。A straggly group of iron roofs turns out to be a sizeable village, and the boat is steered into the pebbly beach to unload.

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我国南方地区雨水充沛,在地下水渗流的长期作用下,含碎石粘性土边坡中往往形成管道状地下水排泄系统。Through in situ survey and model tests, it's found that there exists groundwater piper seepage system in pebbly clay slope.

波尔图市还有一系列较平民的博物馆、廉价的老式有轨电车和迷人的卵石海滩。葡萄园一日游这类短途旅行也非常便于安排。It also has a lot of inexpensive museums, cheap vintage trams and beautiful pebbly beaches. Day trips to vineyards are easy to arrange.

在我上路走了几个小时以后,道路突然变得不能骑车行进了,铺砌的路面变成了泥土路,接着是多卵石的沙砾路面,然后在一片很。Some hours into the journey, the road suddenly became unrideable, the pavement giving way to dirt, then pebbly gravel and then, on a very.

着陆十五分钟后,她打开了太阳能收集板来收集阳光,然后立刻就将多卵石的火星表面的照片传回地面上。Fifteen minutes after landing, it opened its solar panels to receive sunlight, and soon sent images of the pebbly Martian surface back to earth.

锦州9-3油田主力油层东下段储层主要为三角洲沉积,岩性为含砾砂岩、中砂岩、细砂岩及粉砂岩的岩性组合。The mainly reservoir of Jinzhou 9-3 oil field is mainly delta sediments, composed of pebbly sandstone, sandstone, fine sandstone and siltstone, lithologic composition.

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周围到处都是河马头骨化石的碎片,它们都是从浅黄色的鹅卵石砂层被冲蚀出来的,边上还有一把泪珠状石质工具,长约12厘米。All around me, pieces of a fossil hippo skull were eroding out of the yellowish, pebbly sand. Nearby rested a teardrop-shaped stone tool, roughly five inches end to end.

佛卢姆河的流水却是清澈的,就像那位福音教徒看见的那条生命河一样纯净,流得也快,就像一片浮云的阴影,流过铺满卵石的浅滩,还整天对着天空喃喃絮语。The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud, with pebbly shallows that prattled to the sky all day long.

他展出了一座现代版本的希腊少年立像,即一座站立的无头裸体雕塑,表面是有卵石覆盖的粘土,看起来好像随时会解体。He presents a contemporary version of a Greek kouros, a standing nude minus a head, with a surface of pebbly gray clay that seems as if it might disintegrate at any moment.