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请看稍后贪欲之神的表现。Let's look at a later manifestation of Mammon.

盖恩是独自下到贪婪之神的洞穴的。Guyon descends in to the cave of Mammon by himself.

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同时侍奉上帝和财神的,很快就会发现上帝没了。Those who set out to serve God and Mammon soon discover that there is no God.

我会特别建议你将你的灵魂出卖给恶魔之王财神。I would suggest that you specifically sell your soul to the demon king Mammon.

阿摩司在这里指出他们的偶像不仅仅是巴力和赫拉,还有财神。Here Amos extended their idols are not only Baal and Asherah but also "Mammon".

在财神被空前地崇拜的时候,只会导致富人越富,穷人越穷。While Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.

同样寓意的事情还有挂大红灯笼和贴“福”字及财神像等。Also implies that's still hang red lanterns and paste"fu"character and mammon like etc.

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Mammon在英语里有着“财富”或者“财产”的意思,不过却带有贬义。Mammon in English holds a meaning of “wealth” or “possessions” but with a negative undertone.

曾音鼓动陈响搞个认亲仪式,请镇上各大财神为他解决点困难分点忧。Ceng Yin encouraged Chen Xiang to please each other rituals, town major Mammon for him to solve difficult point.

无数嘈杂的键盘将会像风暴一样袭卷地球,玛门的追随者将受到撼动。The din of a million keyboards like unto a great storm shall cover the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall tremble.

不过还有其它类型的传福音工作需要做,他们逐渐被卷入一张关注金钱胜过上帝的利益网里。But there's another kind of evangelising at work too, involving a web of interests more focussed on Mammon than the Almighty.

我们大部分人通过努力工作去追求成功,为了竭尽全力地追逐财富,牺牲掉了自己的生活甚至健康。Most of us chase success by working hard, sacrificing our personal lives and even our health in an all-out pursuit of Mammon.

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这是斯潘塞笔下描写贪神之洞的长诗的篇章,它描述了对于大地母亲粗暴冒犯的场景。It's the passage from Spenser's cave of Mammon canto that describes this same scene of violation, the violation of mother earth.

这是斯潘塞笔下描写贪神之洞的长诗的篇章,它描述了对于大地母亲粗暴冒犯的场景。It's the passage from Spenser's cave of Mammon canto that describes this same scene of violation, the violation of mother earth.

他账簿的条目里透露了谁欠谁什么东西,特别是财神从人身上借走了多少时间。The entries he made in his ledger revealed who owed what to whom, and especially how much life had been borrowed by mammon from man.

单词“firmness”的犹太语词根曾经通过mammon把自己描述成某种可以被信赖的,而且保持自身价值的事物。The Semitic root of “firmness” expressed itself through mammon as something that could be believed in, something that held its worth.

月老又抬出四喜武财神转世的身份,金蟾却毫不在乎,还冷笑着说九妹就快要成为他的人了。Joking and carried out four xi wu mammon reincarnation, spittor did not care, still smile said nine younger sister is going to be his people.

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贪神是一位逐利者,他是一名金匠的儿子,想要,用自己的才智,劳动与汗水投资换取利润。Mammon is the profiteer. Mammon is the goldsmith's son who wants to invest his talents with labor and with hard work in order to showa profit.

北方在正月初二祭财神,这天无论是商贸店铺,还是普通家庭,都要举行祭财神活动。The north on the lunar calendar, this day whether business offering huzhu shop, or the ordinary families, have held offering mammon activities.

丽贝卡在女王的克劳莱住了一阵子,尽量地结交了许多有钱的朋友。So Rebecca, during her stay at Queen's Crawley , made as many friends of the mammon of unrighteousness as she could possibly bring under control.