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同时他还在他的包里藏着一只狼蛛。He had also concealed a tarantula in his bag.

他们班上有一个宠物蜘蛛,非常可爱。they have a pet Tarantula in the class. Lovely.

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一只沙漠蛛蜂正在吞食马利筋的花粉。The tarantula hawk wasp feeds on milkweed pollen.

但是1997年我在安哥拉,帐篷里钻进了一只毒蜘蛛。But in Angola in 1997 I find a tarantula in my tent.

我们需要抗毒素来解被狼蛛咬后产生的毒。We need an antitoxin to counteract the bite of the tarantula.

往对手枕头底下放毒蜘蛛,形容这人有多坏。Democrats view as the kind of operative who would put a tarantula under an opponent's pillow.

左上角最突出的部分是箭鱼座30星团,也被称为壮丽的蜘蛛星云。The prominent patch at top left is 30 Doradus, also know as the magnificent Tarantula Nebula.

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肯定的是,你要保持适当的湿度水平,如果你的捕鸟蛛正接近蜕皮。Be sure that you are maintaining proper humidity levels if your tarantula is approaching a molt.

尺寸像比萨饼一样大,但多毛毒蜘蛛的寿命可达30年。With a lifespan of nearly 30 years Tarantula spiders can grow to nearly the size of a personal pizza.

1987年科学家们在大麦哲伦星云里的蜘蛛星云的波涛滚滚的巨大气云中观测到这颗超新星。It was seen in 1987 amid vast billows of gas in the Tarantula Nebula within the Large Magellanic Cloud.

狼蛛毒液的毒性比蜜蜂的都弱,被它咬一口尽管很疼,但事实上对人体无害。Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee and, though painful, is virtually harmless to humans.

因为它们的外骨骼非常脆弱,因此如果一支狼蛛即便从离地面较低的空中掉下,它也会支离破碎甚至死亡。Because the exoskeleton is very fragile, if a tarantula is dropped from a low height, it will shatter and die.

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由于附近有大量的毛蜘蛛洞穴,柬埔寨的斯昆集镇可谓名副其实的蜘蛛城。The market town of Skuon is Cambodia's veritable Spiderville, thanks to a network of tarantula burrows nearby.

由于附近有大量的毛蜘蛛洞穴,柬埔寨的斯昆集镇可谓名副其实的蜘蛛城。The market town of Skuon is Cambodia’s veritable Spiderville, thanks to a network of tarantula burrows nearby.

“铜板蛇”和“响尾蛇”游戏鼠标的制造商,将要用“狼蛛”向键盘领域扩展。Razer, makers of the Copperhead and Diamondback gaming mice, is branching out into keyboards with the Tarantula.

超新星1987A位于矮子星系旁的巨大的麦哲伦云系,紧挨着狼蛛星云。SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy.

爸爸妈妈知道我做的事情后,大喊大叫了一通,那声音差点把房顶都掀翻了—那只狼蛛花了他们不少钱呢。My parents practically hollered the roof down when they found out what I'd done the tarantula had cost quite a lot of money.

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那些比太阳大一百多倍的恒星穿过大麦哲伦星云里的蜘蛛星云中翻滚的烟雾。Stars a hundred times more massive than the sun pierce the roiling haze of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

你在其它地方根本就见不到炉子烘焙的狼蛛和用蝎子做的棒糖,所以这是一种大多数顾客都未曾见识过的产品。You don't find oven-baked tarantula and scorpion lollies in many places so it's a product most customers won't have seen before.

由重叠的云气所组成,广阔的蜘蛛星云就在中央偏左处,是大麦哲伦星系最大的恒星孕育区。Composed of many overlapping clouds, the sprawling Tarantula Nebula left of center, is by far the LMC's largest star forming region.