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让他当众出丑。Embarrass him in public.

偶不会在你的朋友面前使你丢丑。I won't embarrass you in front of your friends.

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“少来,存心臊我呢。”我说。"Oh, stop it, " I said. "You'll embarrass me. "

我一点没觉得自己傻,我也没那么容易觉得尴尬。I don’t feel silly at all. I don’t embarrass easily.

“你要是使我感到难堪,我就会跟你说的,”我爸爸说。“When you embarrass me, I’ll tell you, ” my father says.

我需要把名字念出来让你们尴尬一下吗So should I read out the names? Should I embarrass people?

让罗和珀两个人考虑,不会为难他们的。Let ROM and pearl consider two people, dont embarrass them.

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一种是自称行家,另一种会让你蒙羞。One declares you a cognoscente, the other will embarrass you.

茱丽雅害怕自己将舞蹈队带来麻烦甚至搞砸。Julia is afraid she will embarrass herself and the whole team.

这些报道通常不会激怒或使官方尴尬。These reports don't usually enrage or embarrass the authorities.

真是白人的耻辱,他们还找黑鬼帮忙!Embarrass the whole white race and they got some nigger help too!

一位好的老师无论何时都应该避免使学生感到难堪。Embarrass Agood teacher should always avoid embarrassing his students.

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同一来源还说,“督察局打算找房利美的麻烦。”This same source said that "OFHEO was trying to embarrass Fannie Mae ."

她在取笑你并尽力让你知耻而后勇。She is making fun of you and trying to embarrass you into trying harder.

我们来看看他们怎么选的吧Should we have a good look at them? Should we just embarrass them a bit?

为了阻碍提案的通过,动议被提出了。The motion was advanced in order to embarrass the progress of the bill.

他们是我的朋友,我只是不想公开说让他们难堪的话。They were my friends, and I just didn’t want to embarrass them publicly.

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这个点子就是要用难堪来让你保持规定的心率。The idea was to embarrass you into keeping your heart rate at that level.

当教给或者纠正孩子的礼仪时,绝不要当众让孩子难堪。When teaching or correcting manners, try never to embarrass your child in public.

我知道你们大多数人感到用英语来说话很不好意思。I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English.