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你认为什么是容格心理学的目标?What would you say would be the goal of Jungian psychology?

在荣格心理学中妇女所具有的男性内在个性。In Jungian psychology, the masculine inner personality as present in women.

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介绍的起源,理论和实践的舞蹈治疗的基础上,荣格的原则。An introduction to the origins, theory, and practice of dance therapy, based on Jungian principles.

在经典的荣格主义框架中,咬住尾巴的咬尾蛇是对自我的一种象征性的描绘。In the classical Jungian framework, the tail-biting Uroborus is the symbolic depiction of the self.

让我们承认,MBTI类型与荣格类型是完全不同旳,并放弃它们之间旳全部联络。Let's admit that MBTI type and Jungian type are quite different, and drop all the relations between them.

我是否应该按照某种后弗洛伊德主义、后荣格主义的心理学说,对这个梦来一番解析呢?Should I have performed some sort of post-Freudian, post- Jungian psychological interpretation of this dream?

本篇论文以容格的分析心理学为理论基础,来解读书中人物的心理状态及故事发展。In this thesis, the Jungian analytical psychology is adopted as the approach to the study of The Secret Garden.

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出现这种情况旳缘故是当迈尔斯在设计MBTI时,她将荣格旳心理类型学作为其项目旳基础。The reason for this is that when Myers was designing MBTI, she took Jungian typology as the basis for her project.

这就表示这些类型不同于MBTI类型,而与荣格类型和Socionics完全相容。This would mean that the type is different from MBTI type and also fully compatible with Jungian theory and Socionics as well.

荣格治疗的中心思想是个体化的观念,提到随著时间过去,个人在心理的进展。Central to Jungian therapy is the concept of individuation, referring to the psychological evolution of an individual over time.

在我的调查结果,我感到非常震惊没有找到一个方法适用于人类的人工智能模拟荣格的理论资料盎司。In my findings, I was shocked not to find one ounce of information about Jungian theory applied to simulating Human Artificial Intelligence.

个性形成荣格精神分析法的一个概念,即经过多层次的心理冲突后,自我意识逐渐趋于统一和融合。In Jungian psychology, the gradual Integration and unification of the self through the resolution of successive layers of psychological conflict.

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所以,比如说你要是看到leMBTI中由此法得到旳对于ISFP旳描述,你得明白你实际上看到旳是荣格类型中旳ISFJ旳描述。So if you have MBTI description of ISFP obtained this way, for example, you should know that it is actually Jungian ISFJ description you look at.

荣格塔罗牌的甲板是一个视觉同伴罗伯特王的书,荣格塔罗牌及其原型意象,一个权威的介绍荣格心理学。The Jungian Tarot Deck is a visual companion to Robert Wang's book, The Jungian Tarot and Its Archetypal Imagery, an authoritative introduction to Jungian Psychology.

作品中的众多女性是大地母亲的种种变体,而“南方淑女”情结则融合了母亲原型和荣格的灵魂伴侣原型说。Yet for mankind in general, the Southern Belle complex is rooted in archetype of the Earth Mother combined with Jungian anima of human collective unconscious desires.