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他用强有力的诺曼政府代替了软弱的萨克逊政府。He rep laced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government.

在庆祝活动中,“黑斯廷斯战役”迷们打扮成撒克逊和诺曼战士的模样。Enthusiasts dressed as Saxon and Norman warriors for the festivities.

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Saxon及XML功能包都是实现的相同的标准集。Both Saxon and the XML Feature Pack implement a similar set of standards.

从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取木料。These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times.

随即他又进一步寻求增援,撒克逊族、盎格鲁族与朱特族人纷纷前来。He then seek further support, Saxon race, ethnic and Anglo Zhute people have come to.

最后的罗马军团已经离开的不列颠,这个岛屿已被撒克森人入侵。The last roman legion has left the Britian. The island has been invaded by Saxon tribes.

显然英国撒克逊新娘在婚礼前常会被绑架,战斗是常见的事情。Apparently Anglo- Saxon brides were often kidnapped before a wedding and brawls were common.

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撒克逊人驾驶的船只由突出在右侧的大木板或桨控制方向。Saxon sailing vessels were steered by a big board or oar that protruded from the right side.

他在四十名传教士的伴随下,来到作为撒克逊人肯特王国教城的坎特伯雷。He, with more than 40 brothers, came to Canterbury which was a city of Kent Kingdom as Saxon.

马汉是“中国威胁”论与“文明冲突”论最早的炮制者。They believed that China would be the stage for the conflicting Anglo Saxon and Slav civilizations.

在他需要喂养照料的时候,他是撒克逊人。在他变成一种供人享乐之物的时候,就有了个诺曼名字。He is Saxon when he requires a tendance, and takes a Norman name when he becomes a matter of enjoyment.

到9世纪中叶,北欧海盗和丹麦人威胁到撒克逊人的威撒克斯王国的安全。By the middle of 9th century, the Viking and the Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Wes.

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到9世纪中叶,北欧海盗和丹麦威到撒克逊的威撒克斯王国的安静。By the middle of 9th century, the Viking and the Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Wes.

到9世纪中叶,北欧海盗和丹麦人威胁到撒克逊人的威撒克斯王国的安全。By the middle of 9th century, the Viking and the Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Wessex.

他们甚至占领了约克郡,公元867年时的基督教中心。到9世纪中叶,北欧海盗和丹麦人威胁到撒克逊人的威撒克斯王国的安全。By the middle of 9th century, the Viking and the Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Wessex.

征服者威廉一世选定了温莎城堡的位置,将其高高地建于泰吾士河畔之上。William the Conqueror chose the site, high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground.

埃塞尔雷德死后没有留下有实力的撒克逊承继人,于是贤人会议选择了丹麦领袖克努特为国王。When Ethebred's death left no strong Saxon successor, the Witan chose Canute the Danish leader, as king in 1016.

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西撒克逊语作为文学语言取代中世纪英语并发展成现代英语。The dialect of middle english that replaced west saxon as the literary language and which developed into modern english.

如果还有人胆敢在晚宴上告诉我是我们自己的“盎格鲁撒克逊式错误”造成了我们生活在贷款之上,我一定会冲他吼。If one more person tells me at a dinner party that it’s our own “Anglo Saxon fault” for living on credit, I shall scream.

西雅图退伍军人医院的迈尔斯·麦克福尔教授和安德鲁·萨克森医生研究了900多名退伍军人。Professor Miles McFall and Dr. Andrew Saxon from the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Seattle studied more than 900 veterans.