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指出相比配音而言,字幕更受到大众的喜爱。Compared with dubbing, subtitling is the way preferred by most people.

这篇专题是在探讨电影上的翻译,特别是在强调字幕上的不同。This project first looks at translation in film and specifically subtitling.

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专业的翻译可以保障字幕的同步性和易读性。Expert translation ensures that subtitling is timed properly and easy to read.

本文从功能翻译理论角度就字幕翻译这一课题展开了深入探讨。This paper makes an in-depth exploration on subtitling from the functionalist perspective.

第五章为本研究的总结,笔者也在此提出对未来研究者的研究建议。Chapter Five concludes this study, closing with some perspectives for future research on subtitling.

优秀的字幕翻译已经成为中国电影进入国际市场的先决条件之一。A good subtitling is one of the prerequisites for Chinese films to enter the international film market.

有很多人认为主流电影中的字幕能够应付聋人看电影的需要。Many people even believe that the subtitling in mainstream films could satisfy the needs of the Deaf audience.

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当需要以两种语言的翻译字幕呈现给观众时也是非常有用的。Subtitling is also very useful when there is a requirement to present the translation of two languages at the same time.

真正的字幕编辑是从一种文化信息和通顺的语句用另一种文化形式去表达。True subtitling denotes the adaptation of one set of cultural references and idiomatic phrases into those of another culture.

字幕并非仅仅意味着在屏幕的文字,简单地从一种文字翻译到另一种翻译。Subtitling is more than words on the screen, and it involves much more than simply translating words from one language to another.

而主流电影中的字幕只不过是权宜之计,并没有认真对待聋人在文化身份认同方面的问题。The subtitling in mainstream films is expediential and does not concern the issue of cultural belongingness of the Deaf seriously.

本文尝试使用功能翻译理论对字幕翻译进行研究,以期对提高字幕翻译质量有所借鉴。This thesis is an attempt to apply the functionalist theory to subtitling, with a view to improving the quality of E-C subtitling.

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读者接受理论对字幕翻译尤其是富含文化意蕴的隐喻翻译具有很好的解释力。The Reception theory offers a sound explanation to subtitling translation, especially the metaphors with profound cultural meaning.

本文把奈达的动态对等理论应用于影视翻译,尤其探讨与分析了字幕片的翻译。This thesis applies Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence to the study of audiovisual translation, especially in the mode of subtitling.

本文试将奈达的动态对等理论应用于影视翻译的两种常见形式——字幕和配音过程中。This thesis applies Nidas theory of dynamic equivalence to the study of audiovisual translation, both in the mode of subtitling and dubbing.

此外,有些电台电视台采用电脑软体,自动把播音稿转换成字幕,以方便听力有障碍的观众。Some stations have computer software that automatically converts scripts into closed captioning or subtitling for their newscasts as a service to deaf viewers.

同时,还将专门为残疾人开办手语电视节目和特殊广播电台节目,推出一系列配有字幕的电视节目和电影。Meanwhile, TV programs with sign language and special broadcasting programs for the disabled are to be launched, together with the subtitling of TV programs and films.

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作为翻译研究的一个分支,影视翻译区别与其他翻译的最大不同在于它包括了对字幕翻译和配音翻译的研究。As a sub-field of translation studies, audiovisual translation includes subtitling and dubbing, which distinguishes audiovisual translation from other types of translation.

电影字幕翻译这一翻译模式在翻译实践以及跨文化交流的过程中发挥着越来越不容忽视的作用。The subtitling of foreign movies, a special translation mode, is playing a more and more important and indispensable role in both the practice of translation and intercultural communication.

作为多媒体翻译一部分的电影字幕翻译,只是在众多翻译著作中的个别章节涉及,其研究仍质低量少。Subtitling translation of films, as a part of multimedia translation, is involved in only few chapters and needs further research, although there are plenty of books about translation theory.